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What's New in Codey's World 04/05/2017

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Attitude Adjustment ~ Chapter 5 of a Novel by Cole Parker. Greg is driven to succeed on the football field. What begins for him as a simple attempt to win a starting position on the team ends up as a journey to discover who he really is.

First Day Blues ~ Chapter 1 of a Novella by Colin Kelly. Kevin has a problem. Actually, he has two problems. One he knows about; the other he doesn’t know about. Yet.

Featured stories are from our archive and we think you'll enjoy reading them again — or for the first time.
Mom...Dad...I'm Gay ~ A Short Story by Grant Bentley. Sometimes your parents can surprise you, and sometimes you wish they hadn’t.


Click here to read the hundreds of serial novels, short stories, flash fiction, and poems on the Codey's World site.


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