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What's New in Codey's World 05/24/2017

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Lightning in a Jar ~ Chapter 11 of a Novel by Cole Parker. David's at loose ends this summer and likes it that way, hoping to goof off until school starts in the fall. With his mom pushing, it doesn’t work out that way, however.

No More Tears ~ A Short Story by Grant Bentley. Keon assumes he’ll be disowned by everyone that matters to him if they find out he’s gay; but then again, no one has ever said he was all that bright.

Featured stories are from our archive and we think you'll enjoy reading them again — or for the first time.
One Two Three We’re Out ~ A Short Story by Colin Kelly. Mike is a freshman at Edison High. He’s being pressured by his friends and his family to go to the Homecoming Dance. That’s fine except he will have to ask a girl to be his date.

Click here to read the hundreds of serial novels, short stories, flash fiction, and poems on the Codey's World site.


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