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What's New in Codey's World 02/20/2019

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Reparation ~ Chapter 3 of a Novel by Colin Kelly. Tom Harris is injured in a high school football game and ends up in the hospital. Tanner Knox says he’ll make sure Tom receives reparation for what happened.

Cottonwood Creek Park ~ A Short Story by Cole Parker. Cade’s 9th grade English class had a visitor from the local newspaper. He wanted the kids to write a story about a local park. It wasn't required, so no big deal. Cade decided to blow it off. Then he changed his mind.

From our archive: Stories and poems that we think you'll enjoy reading again — or for the first time.
Bonding Energy ~ A Short Story by Ryan Miller. A skinny nerd with a crush on a hunky high school quarterback who bullies him... hey, we've read too many stories on that topic! But this story has twists and turns that are unexpected, and parts that are downright funny, and they combine to make this a different, very enjoyable, and fun read.

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