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What's New in Codey's World 04/03/2019

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Reparation ~ Chapter 9 of a Novel by Colin Kelly. Tom Harris is injured in a high school football game and ends up in the hospital. Tanner Knox says he’ll make sure Tom receives reparation for what happened.

Four Nights in St. Bartholomew ~ Part 3 of a Novella by Ruwen Rouhs. Stories are often based on real events, but the names of the characters are fiction. As opposed to those, "Four Nights in St. Bartholomew" uses names of characters and places that can be Googled and their real fate can be tracked down, while the events are pure fiction. 

Little Brother ~ A Short Story by Teddy S. Bower. Austin and his younger brother, Dougie, don’t see eye to eye on much, especially on how life is intended to be lived. What will happen between them when Austin faces up to the most difficult challenge of his young life? His expectations are low. His choices are limited. Things can only get worse, but will they?

My Night Out ~ A Short Story by Cole Parker. What's a boy to do when the night is warm and he's feeling frisky?

From our archive: Stories and poems that we think you'll enjoy reading again — or for the first time.

Acrophobia ~ A Short Story by RJ. Gary versus the terrace, and what’s below.

Click here to read the hundreds of serial novels, short stories, flash fiction, and poems on the Codey's World site.

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