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What's New in Codey's World 05/01/2019

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Reparation ~ Chapter 13 of a Novel by Colin Kelly. Tom Harris is injured in a high school football game and ends up in the hospital. Tanner Knox says he’ll make sure Tom receives reparation for what happened.

The Barn ~ Chapters 2 and 3 of a Novel by Cole Parker. New town. New life. Opportunities afresh. Only thing is, you’re still you.

Marshall ~ A Short Story by Grant Bentley. Marshall had been Skylar's good friend, but all of a sudden that changed. Skylar doesn't understand why his former friend bullies him now.

From our archive: Stories and poems that we think you'll enjoy reading again — or for the first time.

Ambush ~ A short story by Graeme. Your big brother wants you to watch for a guy, to let him know when he shows up. It feels like you're part of an ambush. Should you do it? Can you do it?

Click here to read the hundreds of serial novels, short stories, flash fiction, and poems on the Codey's World site.


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