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What's New in Codey's World 04/07

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Brothers by Choice ~ A Short Story by Grant Bentley. Two boys find that they have more in common than they realize and learn that sometimes, personal adversity can bring people together to pursue a common goal. Mature or distressing themes. This story deals with violence and rape.

I'm Sticking Around for a While ~ Chapter 28 of a Novel by Colin Kelly. You suddenly realize that you're in a hospital room looking at a patient... you need to find out why he's here. And then why you're here. Mature or distressing themes. This story deals with violence and rape. Some chapters includes graphic details of medical procedures.

Featured: When the Cat's Away ~ A Short Story by Graeme from the Codey's World archive. Scott and Darren both learn that making promises can be a big mistake — and spoiling their plans isn't the worst thing that can happen.

Click here to read the hundreds of serial novels, short stories, flash fiction, and poems on the Codey's World site.

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