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Story Ideas - Candidates for the Drawn From Life Story Section

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Hi all,

This is not a written or finished story as such, but more a summary of key points of a candidate story I have yet to flesh out for the Drawn From Life section of Awesome Dude. It's from my own personal experience, and is deeply personal, thus it's taking me a lot of courage to put this ou there. As such, please be careful and sensitive in your feedback/replies. This opening post refers to two separate personal experiences of mine.


Firstly, this experience occurred in 2003, when I went on an overseas exchange trip to a boarding school in Sydney, Australia, at the age of 15. I had posted about this on the Communal Showers Australia subreddit, in response to a photo of a facility in Adelaide which contained a small number of (2 or 3) closed shower stalls next to a row of open showers, where I commented about the presence of choice for users of the facility. This set-up was also the case in the boarding school I went to on the Year 9 exchange trip - 2 closed shower stalls to one side, adjacent to 2 full rows of 8 open showers along each wall, plus a few bradley poles in the middle of the room. However, the unwritten rule among the local boys was that the closed stalls do NOT get used. On my first evening, I used one of the stalls, and the boys who were present reported me to the house seniors. At the time, I was very shy about even taking my shirt off in front of anyone; I was well-known for it at school. Thankfully, none of my schoolmates from my home institution were assigned to the same boarding house as me, save for one; our teacher had a brilliant idea of requesting each of us to be placed in  separate dorms in different boarding houses across the school so that we would interact with the local boys. This is the reason why I am not like most international students, who tend to keep to themselves and stick together in large groups.

Anyway, after dinner, I was instructed to report to the locker room, where I would be punished for breaching the unwritten rule. There, one of the senior boys sat on a bench facing me as I stood - another boy got behind me and removed my shirt from behind - and the senior facing me undid my pants and sucked me off. Then, I was told to lay down on the bench and hold on to it, my hands by my sides, as two boys lowered my jocks and jacked me off in full view of the gathered crowd. This was the first time in my life I became sexually active; unlike most guys I did not discover wanking on my own at an early age, I had it shown to me by the boys I made friends with on this exchange trip the year I turned 15. It was an eye-opening and enriching experience; for the rest of the 3 weeks of that exchange trip, I joined the boys in my boarding school hall for their secret liaisons in the locker room and had the time of my life.

I'm wondering if this experience can be developed and fleshed out into a story suitable for publication on the Drawn From Life section of Awesome Dude. Some advice, feedback and suggestions for how to develop it would be greatly appreciated.


The second experience I'm posting about is to do with my early formative experiences at the gay men's baths as a young man, shortly after coming of age. I posted about this on the LPSG.com forum some time ago. On my first ever visit to the baths, in late 2006, aged 18, I went with a friend, and I saw the sign saying that beyond the locker room and changing area, no street clothes or footwear were allowed, and one must be in a towel beyond that point. At the time I was still  a bit shy about stripping off in front of others. My friend and I opted to keep our underwear on under our towels, and he brought me to the spa pool at the rear of the facility and asked me to chill there while he went exploring. I asked if it was ok to take my boxers off before getting into the spa, to which he said yes, it's ok, in fact itt's mandatory. I felt a tad self-conscious as the guys in the pool stared at my dick after I'd hung my towel and jocks on the pegs provided and entered buck naked into the pool. I chatted with one of the guys there and mentioned I was interested in playing around, it would be my first time (bar that early experience in boarding school above), and he told me it's up to me if I wanted to or not, and gave me some tips. Later, as my friend and I were walking through the maze, a fellow patron of the baths, whose name I later learned was Mark, started feeling me up as we passed each other, then invited me into a room for some action.

Inside the room, Mark sat down on the mattress and  took his towel off, sitting on it. Now buck naked, he unhitched my towel, which I draped on my shoulder, and then he lowered my boxers and started sucking me off. He commented on how I had left my friend to join him and later invited my friend to join us for some hot action. On subseuqent visits to the baths, I ditched the practice of wearing my jocks under my towel. I bumped into Mark a fair few more times at various bathhouses and we had much hot action together. All this in view of my childhood/teenage shyness of nudity but now I had come to embrace it, which is a milestone and achievement on my part, looking back. I'd also like to develop this into a proper story however I would like some comments, feedback and advice from other users on this forum in this vein. Your suggestions and tips would be much appreciated.

Thank You All.

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