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What's New in Codey's World 04/06

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Reorientation ~ Chapter 32 of a Novel by Colin Kelly. Jason announces to his family that he's gay. His sisters and his father tell him that it doesn't make any difference, they love him regardless of whether he's gay or straight or whatever. But what about his mother? Can she come to accept that her son is gay?

Puppy Love ~ Chapters 2 and 3 of a Novel by Cole Parker. A boy and his dog: what could be more natural? For Kerry, nothing seems to be easy, and a dog is just another complication.

Featured stories are from our archive and we think you'll enjoy reading them again — or for the first time.

Featured: The Riverton Rebels - Chords and Discord ~ A Novel by Andy Deats from the Codey's World archive. After the events of Live For Me, a new school is created in Riverton, and Liam Vale is sent to this new school. Will he be able to make chords of beautiful sound, or will his life, and the town of Riverton, be thrown into total discord?

Click here to read the hundreds of serial novels, short stories, flash fiction, and poems on the Codey's World site.

The Codey's World 2012-2013 Holiday Collection is complete. See our 2012-2013 Holiday Collection page for links to the stories and poems in the collection.

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