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What's New in Codey's World 11/11

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I Gotta Go ~ A Short Story by Colin Kelly. David is starting the ninth grade at College Park High. What he doesn’t understand is how he got stuck in a class with a teacher who has the worst reputation in the school.

Lesson Plans ~ Part 1 of a Novella in Four Parts and Fourteen Chapters by Cole Parker 13-year-old Neil Swenson has lived a life of restriction, sadness and denial. Now, he's moved to Mississippi and is hoping things change.

Featured stories are from our archive and we think you'll enjoy reading them again — or for the first time.

Our First Thanksgiving ~ A Short Story by Colin Kelly. Getting ready to host your first Thanksgiving dinner for your family can be complicated. For Ryan and Shawn it’s going to be even more complicated.

Click here to read the hundreds of serial novels, short stories, flash fiction, and poems on the Codey's World site.

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