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Hi! I hope that your week was good. Many of you know that my friend, Saul died three weeks ago. First, let me say that I really appreciate your sympathy and hugs. Hug you all back. :hug: It was a very difficult time for me to go through and still is. I still can?t believe that Saul and Quintin are gone. :sad: Saul?s funeral was on April 14th. It was the worst and the difficult day I went through. I was one of the pallbearers, and I wish that it didn?t happen. There were a lot of stories about Saul to share. A lot of these eulogies were funny and happy. Saul was a really awesome and funny guy I have ever known. He always cracked me up with his stupid jokes. I really miss him a lot. It's not the same without him. Quintin and Saul are always in my mind. Everyday, I tried hard to not think about Saul's death, but think of happy memories that I made with him when he was alive. The pain will never go away, and it will always be there. :cry: Quintin?s funeral was few days after Saul?s funeral, on April 19th. God, it is really hard for Quintin?s parents and his two sisters. Quintin?s parents and sisters lost TWO sons/brothers. You see, Quintin?s brother died in a swimming accident six years ago (2002). It is really terrible for Quintin?s parents to face the reality that their TWO sons died. For Quintin?s sisters, they are in shock that they now lost a second brother. They are still hurting. Quintin was buried next to his brother. It gives me a comfort knowing that Quintin joined his brother and be together again, along with Saul. Thousand of students are still mourning for their deaths, especially me. :cry: I am still in mourning process, and it will take me some time to feel better. Dr. G (a school psychologist) really helps me a lot, and I am so thankful for him. What?s worse is that the driver, who is still in critical condition, did not know that his two friends are dead. I know for sure that once he hears this news, it will hit him so hard. He was really close with Saul and Quintin. They are like best friends. Ok, last week was spring break. I went to stay with matt at his apartment, and it was a lot of fun. It?s so good to hang out with Matt more. Right now, I am staying with my uncle and aunt. My uncle told me that whenever I have some problems with my parents, I?m always welcome to stay with them. :shock: I may say, my uncle ROCK! :wub: Peter and Paul (my cousins) are a lot of fun to hang out with, even though they are younger than me. Sometimes, they are annoying, but I can deal with that. :wub: I will see Matt and Ty a lot, so I don?t have to worry about it. :lol: I still love my parents, but I can?t deal with them over the situation right now. School was okay, but a lot of works to do. Oh by the way, my friend?s guidance counselor is such a ________! She yells at everybody. Thank God that I don?t have her as my guidance counselor. She freaking yelled at me for NO REASON. I wonder if she is PMSing. LOL. She needs to chill out! She definitely needs to have a professional help to deal with her attitude or whatever it is. Her yelling is really annoying, and I really want to put a tape on her mouth to shut her up. :mad: She does not deserve the job at my school?She should?ve work at McDonald or whatever. Obviously, most students hate her, and why did the school hired her for? Ok, I?m done with my ranting about my friend?s guidance counselor. Tara is doing well, and she continues seeing Dr. G. But, she told me that in a short time, she will stop having appointments with Dr. G because she thinks that she is getting better. That?s a good new to hear! :stare:


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