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73. My Gay Marriage Counselling Service.



At my advanced years, even though I don't feel that old on Mondays and Fridays, I am wondering what I can do to help the world come to terms with gay marriage.

So I thought I could start a gay marriage counselling service for straight people.

Make that straight men. Someone else can help the women. I haven't a great deal of hands on experience with lesbian sex.

Anyway back to my get rich quick scheme. I think I should make a charge for the service, afterall I have been subjected to some pretty nasty homophobic taunts due to straight guys not understanding about the gay lifestyle.

I read in the press that straight guys have said they do not understand gay marriage or why gay guys would want to get married.

Sooo I thought to help out, for a small fee, I would be willing to show straight guys why gays get married.

I could counsel them on many of the benefits of two guys being married.

You know, the fact that guys, want it when guys want it. No more "Not tonight dear, I have a headache."

Instead they would learn about gay guys aching from getting head all night long.

I could demonstrate for my clients how only a gay guy knows how to...and to....as well as cook breakfast.

I think I could do a really good deal for colleges on gay semenars. ( no I didn't misspell that.)

Of course private counselling would cost more depending on the depth of information the client wanted to go in for.

I wonder if I could get a James Marsden look a like to help with the demonstrations.

Mature age excellence in all matters of gay marriage. Buy one get two. (must be used on the same night).

But that's not all. Order your special one on one gay marriage counselling for straight guys now, and get a free set of matching condoms with your favourite guys initials embroidered on them.

Don't be the last one in your street to know about the joys of gay marriage.

I'm exhausted. I need to lay down on the bed...

Damn, the sheets need changing again.


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Hahaha. Your blog (or any comment you make on the board, really :P) is always good for a laugh ^^. Umm... except the serious ones.Maddy (:

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I saw your "sheets need changing" comment and thought up something very wicked to say. But I'm not going to.
Why not? Am I not worthy of your wickedness?I doubt you would shock me Wibby. :wub:
Hahaha. Your blog (or any comment you make on the board, really :P) is always good for a laugh ^^. Umm... except the serious ones.
Some people think the 'serious' ones are good for a laugh too.I sometimes have trouble seeing the difference myself. :hug: Thanks Maddy :wub:
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