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Gorgeous Weather



It's gorgeous weather. It makes such a difference to my frame of mind. I'm feeling quite perky, which is good for many reasons, not the least of which is, I hope, my writing. I now have so many part written stories it's not funny. Just to finish one would be a wondrous delight, yet I'm beginning to wonder if I've 'shot my bolt'.

Virtually everything I've written has been written during 'bad' times. I wrote to escape the stress. Now I'm not so stressed I'm finding it really difficult to write anything. Dunno. Perhaps worrying about writing is going to stress me out to the degree I come up with a peach (I like peaches).

Or perhaps I need to change my perspective, somehow .... Or stop whining and just get on with it. ;)

Rehearsals are okay, but not brilliant. The problem is we're getting so damn fed up with the damn set. I saw Bob Dylan an age ago and never understood why he'd start playing a song - then stop eight bars in and start another one. Now I do. He's probably banished beds made of brass on pain of death. Still, a gig is a gig, and I'm much looking forward to it.

I hope it doesn't rain.


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.... Or stop whining and just get on with it.
Nice weather is good. Less stress is good. If the stress you were under inspired you to write, and now you lack that inspiration, it's a small price to pay for the joys of stress-free living. And I PROMISE YOU your muse will return. Just taking a break. Chill out and let it take its time.I'm speaking, here, out of my vast experience... NOT.Good to hear you're tigger-like, hope the gig goes well.HugsBruin
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Did you realise that you wrote this Blog entry on Saint Swithin's day, Camy? :smile: Legend has it that whatever weather you get on that day will be repeated for the next forty days and forty nights. :smile: In my experience, however, it never works out that way. :icon1: Might be an idea to keep the rain gear handy :icon12: Marty (ever the pessimist)

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