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I'm 40 - I can still play video games, right?



Isn't it funny that as we get older, people expect us to stop wanting to do stuff like play video games?

Yeah, okay, I turned 40 a couple of days ago. Big deal. The party was small, limited to family and just how I like it (along with a great german chocolate cake my hubbie baked for me!). Today my best friend visited and we had a great couple of hours spent playing Zombies on Black Ops. I almost don't feel like I'm 40. :)

Actually, I kind of wish we'd had a game console when we lived together. (Yeah, my best friend is also an ex-boyfriend. We were together for two years back in the 1990's). It would have been a lot easier than us competing for time on the single computer that we owned at the time. Also, I'm better than he is at the shoot'em type games, so I would have won more.

Unfortunately my nephew came home from visiting his mother and was quite capable of showing me that I'm really old with really slow reflexes.

Okay, at least I still had fun.

(Yeah yeah, no real point in all that, but not every blog actually has to have a point...right?)

Gods, tomorrow is Monday, meaning I have to get back to work on that project that I'm behind on, get the kids off to school, get Tyler to baseball practice in the afternoon, and oh crap, there's an election Tuesday in LA county so tomorrow is going to be real busy. Guess I should get to bed then...good night all.


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