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Well, the hubbie was out of town for the day, but it's been good overall. Tyler had practice and we showed up a good 30 minutes early. One of his teammates showed up early as well as so we played 3-way catch until the rest of the team finally showed up for practice. I also took the niece out to the park since she's finally starting to behave again. We all had a good day.

Our old neighborhood's little league started a few weeks earlier so today was their opening day. Instead of practice, two of Tyler's friends had games today. After their games, they decided to ask and see if they can come over. Tyler and his friend Adam decided to not bother changing, so they're still in their uniforms and lounging around while we watch DayBreakers. Yes, watching a vampire movie.

For those that have read a specific story I wrote - no vampire Jarred jokes. They're scared enough at the moment as it is...

Oh, and I tried to make Tyler and Adam sit on the other side of the room since they are a little ripe, but they refused after the first gory scene. *sigh*


Today was a fairly good day overall. I've got a project that has really been much more intensive than I expected but progress is being made on it at last, and that's a good thing. Then the census releases California data and oh boy do I have some more research to do so I can answer client questions when they start coming in. Yes I'm geek enough to get excited about having to study new data make extrapolations on how the changing demographics will impact the state's politics.

Best part of the day though was spending two hours watching my nephew practice baseball with his team, and seeing the pure joy that several of the kids had while playing. It's good to see such unencumbered happiness, and be reminded that sometimes all it takes is a smile to make the day better. His team this year may not be as good in the mechanics of game play as the team he had last year, but it looks like it is going to be a LOT more fun.

You know, I think that's the most important part. Oh, and I need to bring bug spray next time. The mosquitos are murder out there.


Isn't it funny that as we get older, people expect us to stop wanting to do stuff like play video games?

Yeah, okay, I turned 40 a couple of days ago. Big deal. The party was small, limited to family and just how I like it (along with a great german chocolate cake my hubbie baked for me!). Today my best friend visited and we had a great couple of hours spent playing Zombies on Black Ops. I almost don't feel like I'm 40. :)

Actually, I kind of wish we'd had a game console when we lived together. (Yeah, my best friend is also an ex-boyfriend. We were together for two years back in the 1990's). It would have been a lot easier than us competing for time on the single computer that we owned at the time. Also, I'm better than he is at the shoot'em type games, so I would have won more.

Unfortunately my nephew came home from visiting his mother and was quite capable of showing me that I'm really old with really slow reflexes.

Okay, at least I still had fun.

(Yeah yeah, no real point in all that, but not every blog actually has to have a point...right?)

Gods, tomorrow is Monday, meaning I have to get back to work on that project that I'm behind on, get the kids off to school, get Tyler to baseball practice in the afternoon, and oh crap, there's an election Tuesday in LA county so tomorrow is going to be real busy. Guess I should get to bed then...good night all.


Yup, so it's like the big 40 birthday has come, and pretty much gone here. Overall, it was a quiet, normal day with tons of work from a client, kids coming home from school and Tyler's baseball practice all needing to be coordinated. Then a nice dinner at my favorite restaurant (Sizzler!), and now a nice, quiet evening at home, relaxing.

Nope, the world hasn't ended, and I've made it to 40, an age that there were times I thought I'd never reach, and that scared me. Only, well, now that it's here it's not as big of a deal as I feared. There is so much going on in my life, so much that is absolutely positive and wonderful that I'm far happier than I was ten years ago, and I don't fear the next decade nearly as much as I did once upon a time.

Oh, and this is the first blog entry I've made here, and anywhere, for a long, long time. Yes, I am the same DKStories that was a member at GA for a while and whose stories are still posted there. You might find future blog posts and forum posts from me here in the future - but no promises. Life's very busy and I don't always have the time, or uninterrupted concentration to write out a blog post.

A quick update on the last six months though - My partner and I now have full custody of my nephew and niece. Tyler is age 12 and Kaliann is age 10. We bought a much bigger house now that we have kids, and got a very good deal on it at the same time. I work from home doing political consulting work regarding data operations for a variety of campaigns. Oh, and I just love so many of the stories on AD that it only seemed fitting to have an account here.

Now, how about a Nexus chapter for a late birthday present? Oh, and maybe another story about those baseball players in Triptychs - couldn't get enough of those! Hmmm, time to go do some reading...although I think the husband and kids want to do the cake and presents thing before it gets much later...

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