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Posts posted by JamesSavik

  1. The one who watched to the end with Billy wasn?t a cat; just someone married to suffering and in love with a dying man. Busy buying himself ten years worth of guilt. Asking, why wasn?t it me? Knowing now the secret, that survivors are painfully, resentfully, happy to be the ones who lived. Better you than me and all that. -TR

    There are scars that never heal and secrets never told- one of which is the anger. Why did you leave me all alone? as if he had a choice. Why did it have to be him? as if there was a god who gave a damn.

    There are some places that you should not go and would not go willingly. Not because they do not warrent exploration but because you can never fully return once you have been there.


    Thanks Joey. That lonely awful place- which seems so isolated and desolate, isn't nearly as empty and deserted as it seems.

  2. Another pricelessl Jerry moment:

    Just then, Jerry showed up. He had a new ribbon pinned to his shirt, which was a mess.

    "Hey, what'd you win?"

    "Pie-eating contest. Bunch of pushovers. All 'fraid to get their clothes dirty. I showed 'em how it's done."

    Perhaps EleCivil could do a Jerry sequel?

  3. Cam and Nathan, both being relatively new to the area, agreed to follow along with anything the others decided. Jerry, knowing that he was lucky just to be able to hang out with the older kids, would have gone along with them even if they had said "Hey! Let's go throw rocks at beehives and rob the liqueur store!" Lucky for him, the liqueur store was too far away to get to on foot, and the bee hives were all well hidden this year.


    A hidden gem in this story is Jerry-- 10 year old tag-a-long to Clint and Cam.

    Hat's off to EleCivil- I loved this passage because it is so true. To the younger kids there is nothing cooler than hanging with the older kids. Of couse they take a little hazing for it... ok a lot of hazing but what the hell. That's the price of cool.

  4. Is circular logic bad to use in day-to-day conversation? If so, why is it bad? What logic is suitable for what occasion? Is there an unspoken rule that I skimmed by too quickly?


    You've been reading those deconstructionist websites haven't you?

    Sigh. OK. One more time.

    This is your brain: :smt041

    This is your brain on de-constructionism: :smt096

    Any questions?

    Just say no!

    ( :smt110 )

  5. I agree with you completely TR! Abuse is abuse regardless of the target. I won't excuse it AT ALL.

    Kids perceived as gay do have a rough ride of it. Usually they are just small or have a voice or mannerism that labels them gay.

    They are usually so mortified by the abuse that they are very, very unlikely to ask for help.

    I remember a kid from my school named Foster who was a real little guy that looked "queer as a football bat" according to his tormenters. They picked on him because he was an easy target and they could. He wasn't gay, he wasn't even particulary effeminate. He was just a very sensitive person and ended up being a gifted artist.

    The Foster incident is in Broken. He's one of the recurring characters.

  6. I really liked this chapter Graeme.

    Randy (Giant) is having a rough go of it. Having been there, I feel for him. The forgotten victims of homophobia are kids percieved to be gay.

    I want to give you props for handling Randy's emotional states. It's very accurate.

  7. Today I heard that Grasshopper (Just Hit Send) is leaving the net. :(

    After Driver, the Eggman and Comicality's upcoming departure, BAWL!

    :smt010 :smt010 :smt010 :smt010

    You get to know these guys through their work. Nothing exposes a little chunk of your soul like writing. I sure miss them when they're gone.

    The masters of the genre have set the bar high for the rest of us.

  8.  We editors are an under-appreciated lot.  Right, Blue?

    Yes you are! I would be absollutely lost, LOST I tell you, without my editor talonrider (Jan).

    Editors are critical! Without them, the pace of our stories progress and posting would slow down and the quality would suffer.

    Aaron knows how much I respect a good editor-- I sent him congrats for his work with New Brother along with the note that I sent to Graeme.

    Aaron, Blue and AJ are excellent editors and I don't think you guys are lazy. I happen to know that all three of you are talented writers TOO.

    I challenge ALL three of you to come up with a story over the summer!

    Oh come on-- just one. Pretty pleeze?


  9. Hi there,

    Well, as you should all be able to see and/or know, I am new to this forum. I found this site via jamessavik's (sp?) link on the CRVBOY.com forums.  


    I'm very pleased that you found us! Welcome, and tell us a story.


  10. Jamie-

    I'm absolutely addicted to TSOI and check the site everyday for new postings. It's great fun and I love it! I keep hoping that Cody (the angel from the story, not the one from this site) will find a pal. :smt059

    As I have a story of my own in progress, I know what a chore it is. I am on a break from my own story while I spin up my new PC. After 20 something chapters, the readers will just have to forgive me. :smt100


  11. SOuthners drinking tea has nothing to do with gay-ness in any form.

    The really good old southern families are of British origin and are very heavily influenced by them culturally. In the past the Southern aristocraacy was educated almost exclusively in England and are Episcipols. Some of the sur-names even retain their British spelling: eg. Whyte.

    These are not the hicks and rednecks that you see on tv and movies nor are you likely to run into them at the mall.

    Rednecks are Scoth-Irish protestants and tend to be Baptist/Methodist and alcoholic.

  12. New Brother is very dark and rather depressive. I actually sided with David. Can you believe that? Try Falls Creek Lessons. A light-hearted romance story.


    Actually, I have a very different perspective on New Brother. I grew up in an environment that makes New Borther's setting look like kindergarden.

    Sure, there is drama and conflict but the central characters better nature is shining through. It's hopeful with characters growing and changing before your eyes.

  13. Http://poets.awesomedude.com

    After a week long spree of web-work' date=' I am pleased to say you can see the final product at the above address.

    It's called The Poetry Corner, go figure, I thought the old name was fine. But I gave the whole site a complete overhaul. Let me know if you catching anything that shouldn't be there.


    Gabriel Duncan

    Edited: Corrected URL so as not to confuse visitors. -- Blue / forum admin


    Thanks for including the New People in your launch! That meant a lot to me.

    You did a bang up job with the new forum.

    :clap: Cheers to your heroic efforts! :D/

    :smt077 :smt096 :smt023

  14. Yep, I'm still working on it.  I'm just starting to get over one of the worst patches of writer's block I've ever had, and I'm working on either the 4th or 5th draft of chapter eleven (lost count somewhere along the line).  I'm currently around the 50% mark.

    Oh, and thanks for asking - someone saying "Where's the next chapter?" is just the kind of motivation that I need sometimes.


    The more I write, the more critical of my own product I have become. I re-did chapter 19 of Broken 5 times and I'm having the same fits with chapter 20.

    I think that I'm feeling the pressure of keeping the quality high but the funny part is that the pressure is coming from me.

    This isn't really writers block. It's more like writers fear of letdown.

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