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Posts posted by Naiilo

  1. Hey, how do you load a photo to the forums?



    You will need to host the pictures somewhere else. So if your isp gives you space, or you own a website ^_^, you can host them that way. Take the image location url and insert it into the space above that says "photourl.url" and you'll be good.

    *One caution of hosting the images on your site is that they will increse your bandwidth usage.


    PS: nice flower pics

  2. Heh, could this have something to do with that "Flying Spaghetti Monster" page? (I'm too lazy to google it again. Hint.)

    Nah, Talk-Like-a-Pirate Day was around before FSMism.

    Three years ago, a friend and I dressed as pirates and sailed a cardboard boat ...

    Yeah, my friends and I have been celebrating it for around 4 years, if i remember correctly. Last year I made all of my staff dress up at the computer store I worked at, they even did accents for awhile.

    to WBMS: The 'your' was intended, more as a joke because the rest of it sounded kind of serious. You're welcome.


  3. WBMS is gonna shit his pants when I pull out Stephen King's reply.

    WBMS isn't afraid of Mr. King. I would gladly tell him what I think to his face. WBMS isn't afraid of any author, musician, or any celebrity. In fact, WBMS, has been known to be very opinionated to the face of several famous actors, authors, and musicians.

    Being opinionated doesn't involve being unkind. However Mr. King is a terribly lazy author IMHO and I will gladly tell him so. Anybody who can churn out Four Seasons and then also churn out Cujo is lazy. Mr. King should be ashamed for letting Cujo out. Anyone here could do better.

    Do I sound angry? Yeah. Talented people shouldn't be lazy. It's sad :(

    So: I'm not sure what this, and previous posts concerning Mr. King, have to do with defining "The Master Storyteller"? Perhaps we can more on topis by defining what exactly a Storyteller is, and then concentrating on what a master of storytelling is. It might be more useful to quote, and reference, classical works of literature than later literature, contemporary, or modern writers' works. But then again, maybe these are just the ignorant words of a college student...


  4. The main prob from my view point is the difference between American speak and English speak. If I had an American editor for instance, he/she would have a nightmare on their hands. I would too probably when it got returned converted to American speak.  :(  ?

    Horseshit. You just need a billingual editor :) I am fully conversant in UK and US English (and anyone who thinks they're the same is daft). And most people can handle it easily if they understand the nuances between the two.

    Where Americans normally get hung is on plural singular nouns: EG:

    The BBC are announcing <--- proper UK

    The BBC is announcing <--- proper US

    Of course when you get to slang is where you have the problems, but most rules of diction, spelling, and grammar are easily learnt (learned to a US person) quickly.

    My two cents :)

    (And for the record I have one editor who is American and one who is Swedish. I am an American who writes either in US English --ADIP-- or UK English --AWMS. Oddly, most of my readers think I'm English.)

    So there.

    Merry Christmas :D

    Do you use the OED a lot WBMS? I think it's a pretty cool collection, and useful for some things, though I prefer American dictionaries like MW... Oxford makes some great translation dictionaries...

  5. OK, I'm lost. Why is it an insult to Naiilo when all of us (with the exception of our Glorious Leader, who caught it) perpetuated the mis-spelling?  I know I'm kind of dense these days and easily confused so will someone give me a clue?  And hurry, the suspense is still killing me! LMAO

    >note corrected spelling :-D


    Hmmm... ya' know, I'm not sure why it would be offensive, or insulting to me. My response was not serious at all, I thought it was WBMS that misspelled suspense originally. My ealier response to Trab was just to have some fun perpetuating the thread... hmmm... I think I am confused...

    (o_o) > (@_@)*


  6. Oh my, I think I shall cry.

    Away go the tears

    from my brown eye.

    The insults, the insults,

    why do they come

    into this world to make me glum?

    Don't worry, don't fear,

    my pride isn't here,

    it left me a year ago

    last year.

    ^^^a poor attempt, but I think i managed to pull it off....


  7. In my mind a Master Storyteller is one that capture thier audience over and over and over again. He/She is a Master of this art, being able to spin a tale on a whim and keep it until it's completion. Hmmm, I think a good example would be Shahrzad from the Arabian Nights tales. She is so masterful at storytelling that she saves a kingdom, a sultan, and herself from uncertain doom.

    Capture your audience, tame thier souls, make thier fantasies seem real for brief moments in time. I think once one can do that, then they are at the very least on the road to becoming a Master Storyteller.


  8. .... Anyhow, that and one Dog Boy email have really upset me, they felt too personal to just shrug off, not that I take lightly criticism of my writing.  These emails contained really mean things, about me myself as well as my lousy pornographic writing, things that are proving hard to remove from my head.  I feel hurt, to be honest, and unsure about writing...just when I was trying to rev up and get back into more regular writing.  

    I KNOW that I'm too sensitive, both in general and as a writer, but I don't much know how to let it slide off easily.  Somehow it seems worse that I do this for free, write things for people to enjoy, and yet still am sometimes attacked.  Also the computer attacks that destroyed my computer around New Year's, the more recent AD attacks, some other attempts....it's just tiring, you know?

    I don't get why people enjoy being mean and I don't get why people want to tear down someone else's attempts to do something, to give something to others (like writing and posting online).  What do you really gain by hurting someone that you don't even know?



    Oh Tragic One:

    For as many times as you have punched me in the gut on this forum for criticizing and being an ass you really do need to just give the mal-mailers the bird. I read your story, and liked it. I did find it a bit predictable towards the middle when I noticed that you hadn't made any references to an animal, but a chase instead. That combined with what seemed to me like suspense and your seeming enthusiasm to shock us with a message made me second guess my original idea that they were hunting something non-human. As it turns out my second guess was right, and the only non-human somethings were the hunters.

    Consider this a congradulation on your story, and also some encouragement from the nay-sayers. It's a good and worthwhile story to read, with a message that, while not positive, I believe is necessary for we as humans to examine and incorporate an understanding into our lives.

    So, I guess what I'm saying is thanks for the story and message. Keep your chin up. While you and I don't always see eye to eye, I don't agree with any wrong sayings on this work of yours.

    -Naiilo Scioga

  9. Update:

    Thank you for your interest in editing for me. I am sorry to announce that I have found a local editor, and am hereby withdrawing my request. For those of you that sent inquiries, I apologize for taking so much of your time, though I do appreciate it greatly and extend deep gratitude to you and your effort(s).


  10. Naiilo Scioga

    August 9, 2005, 11:47 P.M.

    All AwesomeDude.com Forums Users


    RE: A New Story.

    This is a formal request for an editor to edit a story I am in the process of writing. My current editor recently gained two more jobs, and is unable to edit my projects for the next three months. I need an editor for my latest story. Any individual interested should be able to commit an appropriate amount of time to my current, and possibly upcoming, projects. Time management will be agreed upon by both parties. Please send all inquiries regarding this request to *[Request withdrawn, email removed]* .

    Thank you for the opportunity to work with you, I am awaiting your replies.

    -Naiilo Scioga

  11. ...

    I have a Computer Science degree from 1986 but it's pre-internet.

    I'm going back to put some polish on it.


    Good for you, James. I think it's really cool that you are going back again. Once again congradualtions on re-entering academia.


  12. Ah, now once again, gather round the fire for more of the same tale I began a night ago:

    Upon entering the mildewed lair of the wicked Insurance-Meister, Naiilo came upon a monstrosity so fierce, that the only one ever to survive a viewing before this event had named it the secretary. A vicious beast, feeding on the countless words one scribes in ink and time... The secretary was a formidable foe, but Naiilo was able to overcome him and go deep into the Insurance-Meister's lair.

    As he entered the tobacco smelling lair, Naiilo noticed the Insurance-Meister lounging in his old, buckling chair. A fair greeting and several threats later, our hero was able to gain the gold he needed to make the necessary repairations to GrandAm.

    Naiilo rushed up and out of the Insuance-Meister's lair, and onward towards the glass blower's shop, deep on the other side of town.

    When he arrived they greeted him and told him it would be seven hours until GrandAm was repaired. Naiilo waited and waited, and finally the glass blower announced GrandAm's completion. Naiilo was so extatic that he raced home to his keep, and to an aweful scolding because his premium went up.

    ~The End~

    So kids, what have we learned from this afterschool special?

    " Never go to an out of the way park in the middle of the night and not expect the sounds of glass breaking in the distance to just be nonsense, it might be your new car's windows being busted out with a baseball bat. chorus>


  13. Gather around children, and I will tell a tale concerning malicious deeds...

    Once there was a nice young college student by the name of Naiilo. Naiilo had just recently acquired a model 2002 Pontiac GrandAm to replace his old, failing Ford Taurus. The GrandAm was a brilliant white, with dark, tinted windows and a low montly payment. Naiilo thought it was just simply divine.

    Well now, one day Naiilo and a friend of his went to a local park to catch up on old times, when - off in the distance - they heard some horrible coming from the direction that Naiilo had left his car in. When they went to the car, they found that all of the GrandAm's beautiful, deep, dark windows were crushed in upon themselves. This was perfomed, Naiilo and his friend suspected, by a hideous Blazer that had just sped away into the distance.

    Naiilo was heartbroken! He had so many more payments and even with full coverage his deductable was 500.00USD, so he couldn't afford to take that lovely trip to the ice caves that he had been planning.

    Naiilo's friend and he drove home in the dark, glass falling onto them from the poor GrandAm's broken-in windows. When they arrived at Naiilo's home, he called the constable, who decided that since Naiilo is only 20, that he must have been up to nothing but trouble.

    Now Naiilo must journey to visit the wicked Insurance-Meister, to hopefully gain some gold in which to fix the poor, beaten GrandAm.

    ~To be continued...

  14. In spite of the fact that one's work must only be satisfactory to oneself, there is also such a thing as revising work after receiving criticism and using it to re-evaluate the work and, in some cases, improve it--thus making it more satisfactory to both the person who wrote it and the people who read it. In this particular case, the author asked very specifically for criticism, and that is why i provided the comments that I did. You have not in the past, nor will you see any time in the future, an instance of such a close reading and critique of a poem from me w/o having been asked to do so.

    No work is golden. Any literary work can (and should!) receive criticism, and it is the author's choice to revise or not.



    I do revise and edit my own, but as most of us know, revision of one's own work still can leave many mistakes. I won't have time to revise anything I'm working on right now until Monday, or Tuesday, because I am in the delightful process of moving. It's really kind of sad because there are some still lifes that I would like to work on, but can't because they will be altered to my dissatisfaction if I move them. ::Sigh::


  15. Ever hunted a wild Tofu across the plains of antarctica? Me niether, but a less confusing question is: "Which do you prefer, beef or poultry or fish?"

    Beef of course :)

    I prefer commas and only one 'or' when listing choices in a series. Was this a trick question?


    No, it isn't a trick question. I left them out, my apologies, but the meaning isn't changed much by using or's instead of commas. I guess it's just a different list style, though, I don't think it is proper grammar.

    I like poultry and tofu a lot, but sometimes I still like to have a burger, or a steak. I never have been much for fish, or seafood.


  16. Interesting. I rather like the ending, it is very much more personal than the rest. I also like the parallelism present in the first and last stanzas. It make sthe poem all more meaningful.

    I also think the alliteration of the last three lines in the fourth stanza is quite nice, but the but is a little awkward in the second line of that same stanza. Perhaps some effort to make the beginning of each line in the fourth stanza alliterized (is this a word? it is now, i guess) would create a definitive line dividing the two halves of the poem and establishing more of a parallel effect without prodding the rest around so much.

    The word bi-centennial is also awkward, i think. Maybe changing it to penny would keep a soft effect, and make the brightness of the boy seem warm also... hmmm, it is awkward, but belongs so much because the topic is a boy in history class, a US history calss, it seems.

    Along with the seemingly awkward bicentennial in the fourth stanza, I believe that you could further establish some parallelism in a visual sense by shortening the last two lines. The third line could be shortened by removing is what and possibly playing with the syntax. The last line could be shortened by removing Me.

    These are only observes, I know I can be quite offensive, but please try not to take it that way.

    Hmmm, yes, indeed very interesting.


  17. I'm a firm believer that your work only has to satisfy one person...you. I would much prefer a discussion of the meaning of a work than critique another's labor.

    I think this is a great example of a written version of the ars moriendi art style.


    Although I hate to admit it, TR is right about my posting patterns. Though I do think that requesting criticism of a poem is different than expecting it, just for posting (*crosses fingers that his horrible grasp of english doesn't cause offense)*. TR, if you'd like I will critique your poems more often. Things considered, I didn't think anyone wanted a whole lot of my criticism, constructive, or not.

    I believe criticism, more than comments (thanks though, they are nice comments, to those that gave them), is beneficial. It lets me know if I did good or bad. I don't worry about syntax, or diction, or rhetoric, or recitation value when I get comments, no matter how much I appreciate them. That is why criticism is so important to me, and also why I requested it here, and I believe elsewhere.

    Codey: I write for myself, but part of becoming a better writer is finding my own weaknesses. It's just like with any skill, one must hone it. As far as discussion of the meanign of the poem is considered, it is simple: This poem is the first thing I thought of when I heard the phrase Ars Moriendi. It describes the dramatized death of an individual that knows his/her time is now.

    James: You know, I still haven't finished Dorian Gray yet. I'm a little more than 0.75 of the whole way through.


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