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Posts posted by Paco

  1. Experiences with the police are no better than the situations run from. Granted, mine were in Mexico, but just from the many stories generated in fiction sites you can see society is seriously failing kids. The police are more often servants of the well off, and only want the problem to disappear, not solve it.

    Yes, I agree, the parents should be held accountable, if you can find them. I don't claim to have the answers, but I know what doesn't work.

  2. Anyway, I never heard the "eye of the needle" thing in school or in church. I think I was deprived. If it had been told to us in school in Catechism class it would have given me one more thing to argue about with the priest (the school had all lay teachers, so Catechism was taught twice a week by a priest from the church next to the school). I wasn't very popular with the priests when I was in the fifth grade and had arrived at the age of reason and understanding (9 to 10 years old).

    I was once told by a parish priest I should be ashamed for begging. It didn't seem funny at the time, but I saw how he lived and the food that was prepared for him daily... and, then heard him begging for donations in his splendid church.

    I have nothing for God-merchants and those holier than thou. My God celebrates life... my God cries when children are hurting, are homeless or go hungry... my God doesn't ask for money.

  3. Homeless kids who sleep on the street or engage in prostitution are breaking the law and parents should be held accountable.

    My problem with this statement is why is the government making homeless kids criminals? Prostitution is sometimes the only method of gaining money for food. The homeless are not criminals. We should be able to help people without involving the police or the court systems.

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