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Posts posted by Cynus

  1. He has changed his viewpoint some over the years. Also, every meeting I've had with him has been over the last year and a half, so even the view in this link is outdated. He didn't treat the gay teenager who approached him any differently than I saw him treat any other human being. Instead he played a game of Magic: The Gathering with the kid and just got to know him. He knew the kid was gay because the kid told him so. He really is a nice guy.


    I also think it shows a great deal about his integrity that he included the original article and didn't hide the truth that he had written that original piece. It takes time for some people to evolve, but at least he's actually working on it, unlike OSC.

  2. Malware Alert:

    I'm sorry to say, Cynus, my virus protection program stopped the downloading of this link with a malware alert. Nifty is not a cautious site and needs to scan the listings more frequently to prevent such a thing.

    I'm sorry to hear that. I didn't experience any problems, but I know that things like that change very quickly.

  3. Okay, guys, I know I've been kind of...neglecting my authorly duties these last few weeks. The truth is, I had to save Christmas. Had to fight my way through waves of increasingly dangerous mooks to get to the evil mastermind, at which point I had to appeal to the deeply concealed childlike innocence in his heart in order to rekindle his belief in the magic of the season.

    You should have called us. We would have helped you! At least, if it meant more LiP coming at a quicker pace.

  4. Sorry. I don't get it. The charity behind the film is set up to 'expose injustices created by gender stereotypes.' But what does that really mean? That we'll riot if EleCivil is sacked for teaching in a dress?

    I admit, I didn't read the fine print on the charity. That does seem a little extreme.

    Growing up (not to mention life) is tough. There's no palliative answer to being a teen. And it gets worse: it goes on into your twenties, thirties and ... well, you get the idea.

    There are too many 'causes' and too many thinking that setting up spurious charities is a way of life - though apparently you do get a good salary.

    However, I disagree that there are too many causes. I don't disagree with the fact that there are too many charities that don't really do anything, but causes? Causes are necessary. We all need them; we all need things to be passionate about and give us drive. If someone believes strongly about something, they should fight for it.

    It's true that there is no answer in life, but that doesn't mean that we should ignore the question. Seeking the answer is what makes the journey meaningful. Yes, life is tough, but I also don't think this video was about life not being tough, but rather about teaching boys that they don't always have to be the strong one. It's good to learn how to be strong, but everyone needs a break every once in awhile.

  5. That looks great and it is needed in more places than the USA. Unfortunately I suspect there will be too much inertia and vested interests in society to allow it to get very far.

    You're probably right on that one, unfortunately.

  6. Indeed, it has always puzzled me in this "Christian" nation that they can't seem to follow the concept of "Love thy neighbor as thyself". It's only their second greatest commandment from the mouth of their god himself. I'm pretty certain the first one wasn't "Whine about Christmas presents you failed to plan for".

  7. FreeThinker, it is the very immaturity of it that is making it work, the story feels like the story of a pair of boys that age rather than an adults view of it. Some of us would give the world to be able to put that sort of feeling into our writing.

    I concur. That's exactly what has made me fall in love with it.

  8. Just to clarify matters the folk beliefs described in this story are not based on any particular Caribbean folk beliefs. Before I started this story I wrote a back story based on an East Indian Merchantman taking indentured workers from the Spice Islands to Aruba. The Merchantman gets wrecked in a storm on The Island bringing the first population, to this I then added escaped slaves and pirates. Then I took it from there are tried to work out what sort of society would develop and what the folk culture would be. So the folk culture in the story and in the ones that I hope will follow base on the island, are totally my own invention.

    Well it feels very solid. You did a great job with it Nigel.

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