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Everything posted by Resurgam

  1. EVERYTHING Search Engine - Voidtools If you want to search your whole computer very quickly for anything - a lost file you half remember the name of, a download that went missing, all the .ico or .msi files, or whatever - then I thoroughly recommend this tiny search tool. I've used several versions over the years - find the latest version entirely free and with no nasty T&Cs at www.voidtools.com or from most reputable download sites. So much quicker and more effective than the search tool built into MS Windows.
  2. I found this story a few days ago on GA and I like it. The Danish setting alone makes it unusual and as this seems to be Timothy M's first attempt at writing a longer story I think he's doing a pretty good job - and in what must be a second language for him too! 10 chapters so far, the latest added today. Find it on GA here: http://www.gayauthors.org/story/timothy-m/cluelesscamping
  3. Riding Lessons (and both sequels) happened to be the first proper on-line gay story I ever came across. Not a bad way to start and I especially like the beautifully tender love scenes in first few chapters of Riding Lessons which, having read nearly everything else going, still rate pretty highly IMHO. What I wouldn't have given for a summer like that in my teenage years! Probably because Andrew Todd was the first author I read I did a little light digging online and found a couple of his previous blogs in which he explains his passion for horses - try this blog page and this one too - if you're interested. I always wondered how Andrew was going to conclude the saga as I neared the final chapter of Second Chances - much to my relief I think he pulls it off rather well. In another of Andrew's blogs he mentions that his own favourite story is Brew Maxwell's epic "Foley-Mashburn Saga" (Maxwell, Brew if you're perusing the CRVBoy list - the F-M saga starts with "Tim's Story" - but I'm sure you've all read this classic yonks ago - why this has never made it onto AD has always puzzled me?) - so the huge F-M Saga was the second story I read. I suppose you could accuse both of these stories of being overly optimistic - but what the hell - entertaining stories don't all have to be full of doom and gloom - there's more than enough of that to go round in this world. BTW - If you haven't read Andrew Todd's fun and unusual ménage à trois story "Three Hearts" (Nifty) then I would happily recommend it - only 7 chapters so it won't take you all week to read like Riding Lessons + Lessons Learned + Second Chances! Hopefully this story will make it onto AD idc too?
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