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Posts posted by ChrisR

  1. Sadly, this is a mixed blessing and will likely last only until the first gay or questioning student attempts or successfully commits suicide. And according to the Trevor Project statistics, that's a fairly high percentage of young gay people. For parents of such a young person, deliberately kept in the dark regarding their child by the very people to whom they legally must entrust them each day, hell would have no fury like their pursuit of vengeance.

    Parents and the home are traditionally the preeminent place of refuge for kids. The incredibly fast changes to our societal makeup, particularly dealing with aspects of our human sexuality, have tossed a monstrous monkey wrench in the works of normal maturation. And today's parents aren't a whole lot better prepared for these changes than anybody else. Many of them are products of families themselves with challenges. But by the very nature of the parent-child relationship, it must take precedence over other 'fears' we may have. Perhaps a mandatory "Modern Parenting" class starting in Middle School could be a start.

    Yes, there are parents who will be intolerant. There are others who are perceived as such by their children, but who honestly want only happiness for their kids. There is likely no middle-of-the-road here. But when schools communicate with parents on every detail of their children's lives except one, trouble will most assuredly follow.


    The Trevor Project - Facts About Suicide  https://www.thetrevorproject.org/resources/preventing-suicide/facts-about-suicide/#sm.00000mkumd8go7fhozucc8k4jklqg

  2. And within a week, if it's a somewhat slow student body, there will be the high school equivalent of a Mile High Club and suddenly the problem about bullying is forgotten.

    Building physical obstacles to bullying is not much of a solution. It's in the hearts and minds of the students that the war must be won, and if you can't win that, you'll never solve the bullying problem.

  3. The boys have already won an important victory - by holding hands. That was their statement. And whether they read approbation or disgust in the Response Interrupted, nobody really knows. But the boys have already made their place in the world. Bravo! And nicely written.

  4. From today's news: Actor Peter Fonda calls for Barron Trump to be kidnapped, caged, raped.


    Mr. Fonda's day in the limelight is long past, though he has a new film coming out next week. Somehow I doubt anybody in Hollywood has the balls to cancel the release. But I'm more than willing to be surprised.

  5. It's somewhat important to remember that it wasn't until 1970 - 7 years after Kennedy's death - that meth made it onto the federal "Thou Shalt Not" list. (Might have been illegal in some local jurisdictions, but I don't know of any.)

    The whole War on Drugs has only really lasted about 50 years, and there's likely no telling what sorts of products were used/abused by our various Fearless Leaders over earlier years. On top of that is the 'brave' people who will now speak about ancient facts after the subjects are dead, or at least well into their dotage. Perhaps a few such stories are fully valid, but I have a sneaking hunch that lots of these "years laters" claims, inuendos, lawsuits, etc., are the work of overactive imaginations, over-willing attorneys, and over-eager authors and lawsuit claimants.

  6. My parents were both social workers and we saw some of the problems up close. On a few occasions we even ended up as a very temporary foster family. (usually <72 hours)  The problem was always "what are the options?" and there are very few. And this was back in the days that most of the kids were local yokels. Today the greater problems is immigrants. Families arrive with zero preparations to live in American society and come face to face with "The System". They don't know the language, the culture, the infrastructure... nothing. Education and marketable skills are limited or non-existent. They have hope for a better life, which is a great start, but where do they go from there?

    Where are the funds supposed to come from to support programs for these folks? Nancy Pelosi makes $193k (same as Mike Pence) in salary and I don't see their donations.  How many people here at this website have put off buying a new car and sent the money to a juvenile center? (And yeah - don't be surprised when the money gets used for new office furnishings instead of on the kids.)

    It's ugly out there, but so far I haven't seen Bill and Melinda donate their billions to an actual, functioning, kid-centric system. Nor do I honestly expect to see it any time soon. The crisis seems more useful in generating political heat than solutions.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Merkin said:

    Almost as good as going off to camp yourself.

    Agree completely - and without the 'skeeters, sunburn and camp food! Cole has a masterful touch in bringing his characters to life, and I look forward to meeting the gang at camp and seeing where our hero leads us.

  8. What a well-written tale! The characters are all the more real because of their "normalcy" and they really reflect their personalities brilliantly. It doesn't hurt that I'm somewhat familiar with the general neighborhood an can imagine the comings and goings at 'John Muir'. Excellently done. Thanks!

  9. The problem with the underlying theory that "God made you this way" therefore homosexuality must be perfect is that God made everyTHING and everyBODY. That must include such wonders as ax murderers, rapists, and gang enforcers. So alongside the approbation these "lifestyles" obviously must have is the need for the people thus created to NOT practice their otherwise natural tendencies. I suspect that those who possess such wonders must, in God's plan, lead lives that somehow avoid what Catholics refer to as "the near occasion of sin". (But a lot don't, to other people's sorrow.)

    For the record, God created Satan, right? Not exactly first on my list of who to invite along on a cruise. Even though we are oft reminded that all God's creations are good. And let's not even pretend that fried liver even approaches Godhood. I'm all for letting the calves grow up healthy and strong. (Although as a seafood lover, fish on Friday was never a problem!)

    And as far as homosexuality is concerned, it's a bit more of "to each his own said the woman as she kissed the cow." Each person takes what he's given and decides what to do with it. If it is DONE for good purpose, more power to it.

  10. Sorry to see this journey come to an end.The story is a beautiful way to learn about an earlier time - from steamships and steam locomotives to Prohibition to American theatre and the British way of looking at personal relationships. A truly enjoyable ride.

  11. One of the single best pieces of written fiction it has ever been my fortune to read. The characters, their situations, and their actions are wondrous - and believable! I sincerely hope this might be the beginning of a series, but alone or in company it is simply greatness personified. Thank you, Addym!

  12. I can enjoy learning new words in the stories I read provided they don't seem 'forced' or 'out of place' when they appear. An explanation is needed so I know I don't have to read the author's works in a room of dictionaries. Otherwise the words become a spot of arrogance that detracts from the story and call for a bit of a slapdown.

    For example: "My doc says I have pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiocis." "You've got what?" "Oh. It's like Black Lung disease." "Ugh! You going to be alright? in hospital?"


    "My doc says I have pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis." "You've got what?" "I have pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis." "A friend had that. He died."

  13. As a former EMT-A who has responded to mass casualty disasters, my prayers go out to the injured, survivors, families, and the responders involved. I know of no more helpless feeling than rolling up as first on scene and realizing that the entire county doesn't have the necessary resources to deal with the situation. There are generally differences between civilian and combat triage, but when faced with numerous casualties these differences pale. And the first two guys who roll up on the scene know all too well that people will die who might otherwise have survived. And when a number of those are kids...

    My prayers are with those who will do all in their power to save lives. And that they accept the proferred help when they inevitably fail.

  14. It's also important to note the political makeup of the Illinois 3rd. The Democrats haven't lost the Congressional seat there but once since 1959. On last year's Republican ticket no Republican candidate even even ran for the office other than Jones. (I'm not even certain if a party can deny any voter party membership or the state can deny the registration.) So I'd wager the majority of Jones's votes were thoughtless party-line votes without respect to any names. And, of course, some fringe nuts who deserve whatever they get. Perhaps some of those were even Democrats who figured it would be funny.

    But it was definitely NOT an instance of Republicans=Nazis. The election process is ungainly, but it's not that bad. We should be thankful.


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