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Posts posted by Trab

  1. Please forgive me for asking a question here that has no direct bearing on the work being discussed, Gravity in Gardens.

    Above in the first entry, there is a word which is unfamiliar to me, and I cannot locate a meaning for it. "...oblique manner that might manage to be distrating, but..." DISTRATING As far as I can find out, it is some kind of variation on a meaning similar to rescinding or retracting, but I cannot see how it applies in this sentence. I hate getting hung up by something like this, but I guess it's just another aspect of my AS.

    I have not read the story yet, but even the short quote about the Mother God grabbed me by the gut and shook me at my core. If the whole works is of this calibre, I may not be able to take it emotionally. Despite the short sampling, I am convinced this is one powerful piece.

  2. I have now finished Plan A, B, & C. This guy can write, and do it well. I am torn each night. I am reading TSOI too, and each night I read one chapter of each of these wonderful authors. It is always a contest as to which gets read first.

    Thank-you gentlemen, for your wonderful stories.

  3. "I have a whole bookshelf of mid-1800's reference books"

    I am assuming you mean a bookshelf of reference books on the mid-1800's. Is the setting of the story America, Canada, Europe or elsewhere? If it is anywhere in the northwest USA or Canada, to do with goldrush days etc., you might want to look into the Canadian author Pierre Berton. He has done some stupendous stuff on that era covering mostly the west and the goldrush.

  4. One of the ironies of AS is that often we DO want to be helped, but just cannot overcome things without that help we cannot ask for. Many people can be helped just by letting them or encouraging them to talk online.

    I really appreciate all the offers, and at this point I have sent Graeme all sorts of information. Should he run into trouble (with this) and not be able to come up with anything that fits the size limits, I'll be only too happy to contact all the others who have offered help.

    Thank you all.


  5. I never leave my meat behind.

    On the other hand, I've gone hiking and forgotten not only my boots, but also food. (Short trip after all.) I also backpacked in with an inflatable boat without the air pump. I've lost my car in a parking lot, and had to search row by row, and I've left for work, only to arrive ON MY DAY OFF. So don't feel bad.

    Oh, I found an envelope at work once with over $2000 cash and a deposit slip in it. Someone did a really BIG oopsie. (The bank used the account information on the slip to backtrack the 'owner' and they got it all back.

    It is FAINTLY possible the meat was turned in at the store, and is waiting for someone to claim it. Just phone them to ask.

  6. Dude, don't worry about it. The thread is not going downhill, and we're not squabbling. I love reading all the different works and at times I just notice small little errors, usually typos. I wouldn't presume to say I can write effectively enough to edit, much less do my own story. But I like to help out if I can do so without offense, and that's really all my offer was.

    Just so that I'm clear on this: anything in the nature of typos in TSOI goes to AJ, right?

  7. Is there some kind of etiquette thing here? I'm not 'proof reading', I'm reading. Some of these spelling and typing errors just jump right out at me, and I figured sending them to whoever can make changes is a benefit to everyone.

    I'm not particularly aware of social niceties but the years have made me alert to some things. Your comment seems to imply some kind of social hierarchy and status to being a proof-reader, which I cannot see, but maybe it's there. In that case, the logical person to receive that information is whoever is assigned to it, and from what you say, that's you. On the other hand, the story is already in 'print' so I don't know why you are waiting for someone to send you something. Then again, we might be talking about different stories. I'm talking about TSOI.

    Not offended, but definitely puzzled.

  8. Have you ever thought to pitch it to some of those actors who work to scale on movies they feel are worthy? I am constantly surprised to see some of these guys in movies which they even help bankroll, just because they agree with the subject matter, or it tests their personal limits.

    Not being in the industry, I cannot say if there are producers and directors that do similar things, but I suspect that there must be some.

  9. Has anyone else read any of Maddy's material? She is quite prolific on her Yahoo Groups site. This is her self description: "I am Madison Dante also known as Maddy A., a GIRL : ) who reads and writes gay male fiction."

    I've read a bit of it, and I find it very difficult to deal with. Probably because it's really not well written. One thing that is very noticable is that not one of her characters seem to be able to simply speak. They are always shouting, screaming, or yelling. But she does seem to have quite the following.

    Moderator edited to resolve problem with web address.


  10. Dropping the 'in' would make the temperature just under triple digits, in other words, the high nineties. Someone else will have to tell you if your intended result is being met by swindler in the current sentence. I cannot see that it does so, but I'm notoriously literal, as most here can attest. :)

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