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Everything posted by vwl

  1. The quote feature doesn't seem to be working for me. Regarding Start8 and the Windows 7 start menu, I find no significant difference if you choose the Start 8 configuration. And, in response to Camy, apparently the wizards of Redmond decided to enrich Stardock for the next version.
  2. Having just loaded Windows 8.1 beta, I found that Start8, the Windows 7 start menu didn't work. There is a beta for Start8 that does work with Windows 8.1 and can be downloaded from the Stardock.com website.
  3. Chapter 7 is up, in which one of the protagonists Chinese heritage comes into play.
  4. Chapter 6 is up. I'm having problems with the link, so please use the link to Chapter 5. The cyberspace mystery continues with flair.
  5. Chapter 5 is up today http://www.nifty.org//nifty/gay/relationships/the-carma-klown/the-carma-klown-5 An experienced writer holds forth in a continually well-done story.
  6. A story that is starting well is Carma Klown by z119z. Three installments have been posted with several chapters per installment. It is very well written, well constructed and looks to be fine. A quibble: the sex in chapter 1 seems a bit pro forma -- it is Nifty, after all. The second chapter is gruesome, but it introduces the mystery in the story. Recommended. The first installment is at http://www.nifty.org//nifty/gay/relationships/the-carma-klown/the-carma-klown-1
  7. Thanks, all. I appreciate the support from some of the AD and GA regulars -- editors and beta types.
  8. Now completed, I've moved the story to Roamin Reader. vwl
  9. The final chapter here http://www.nifty.org//nifty/gay/beginnings/what-grows-in-winter/what-grows-in-winter-15.html is part chapter and mostly epilogue. Finished, What Grows in Winter will be moved to Roamin Reader.
  10. One of my favorite stories, Electric Blue and Catnip is up with another chapter: http://www.gayauthors.org/story/lilansui/electricblueandcatnip/20
  11. vwl

    Joe College

    Another chapter is available, slow-published but worthwhile: http://www.nifty.org.../joe-college-24
  12. Chapter 28 is up at Nifty: http://www.nifty.org//nifty/gay/highschool/oh-radio-tell-me-everything-you-know/oh-radio-tell-me-everything-you-know-28
  13. vwl


    While we need to think of the individuals caught up in a war, sometimes we need to stand back and look at why they are so caught. Post-war records recently made public show a chilling lack of concern by the Japanese military. Meeting with the Emperor after Hiroshima, the military council met to decide whether to surrender. The vote was unanimous to continue the war. Several days later the council met again after Nagasaki. The military council's vote was tied; half the military wanted to continue the war. Fortunately, Hirohito broke the tie and decided on the unconditional surrender.
  14. Another chapter of the fine Electric Blue and Catnip story is up: http://www.gayauthors.org/story/lilansui/electricblueandcatnip/19
  15. There is a great difference between the European post-high-school education system and that of Europe. The U.S. has state-sponsored institutions that are like the European counterparts, but there are hundreds, perhaps thousands, of independent schools, many of the sponsored by churches. Liberty university is just such an independent school. What I found surprising about the article is that, despite the social-conservative self-selection of students, there is apparently there a tolerance for diversity. The Live and Let Live philosophy runs deep in American roots since many of the groups that emigrated here did so to escape European repression. In many cases, there was little affinity among the immigrant groups -- the Quakers, the Amish, the Puritans, etc. -- but there was a tolerance to let each live their own lives. For many sects, there is intolerance within the sect; for others, live and let live.
  16. Being a contrarian, I offer this Atlantic piece: http://www.theatlantic.com/sexes/archive/2013/04/being-gay-at-jerry-falwells-university/274578/
  17. Despite one's views on Senator Rob Portman's switch to supporting gay marriage, his son's piece in the Yale Daily News is affecting: http://yaledailynews.com/blog/2013/03/25/portman-coming-out/
  18. Chapter 17 is up and enjoyable: http://www.gayauthors.org/story/lilansui/electricblueandcatnip/17
  19. After five chapters, I'm enjoying What Grows in Winter at http://www.nifty.org//nifty/gay/beginnings/what-grows-in-winter/. It's nicely done with likeable characters and a farm location in Kansas. The protagonist comes back from college to take over the family farm, and thus starts a so-far enjoyable tale. The author is JJ.
  20. In going through some old emails, I found a note from the author of a nice short story, Fire and Ice. It's at http://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/adult-friends/fire-and-ice.html . His story Absolute Convergence is on the (no-longer-maintained?) Best of Nifty list: http://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/relationships/absolute-convergence/
  21. vwl

    Val N Tyne

    Completed. Moving to Roamin' Reader
  22. Another chapter was posted this morning: http://www.nifty.org//nifty/gay/highschool/oh-radio-tell-me-everything-you-know/oh-radio-tell-me-everything-you-know-24
  23. vwl

    Joe College

    Another chapter of Joe College has just been posted: http://www.nifty.org//nifty/gay/college/joe-college/joe-college-23
  24. One of the purposes of First Alert is to encourage, cajole, threaten the authors to finish their stories. With enough outside pressure, particularly in praise, the author may get the motivation he or she needs. So, I ask everyone using this forum to take the time to send the authors a note or two.
  25. I have always liked What Makes a Family despite the slowness of updates and the need for an editor. What is refreshing is the plot, which has a theme oriented to thinking adults and is mostly absent of clichés. According to the author, the conclusion is now in sight. The story is at http://www.nifty.org...makes-a-family/
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