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Posts posted by dude

  1. On 8/7/2019 at 10:32 AM, Camy said:

    Not only is this presently my favourite video, but it's a damn ear-worm. I've been singing the chorus for days and if I can't stop I'm going to get into trouble!

    No matter what your preacher say?

  2. I'm sorry to report that Chris James, a very popular AwesomeDude Author passed away at mid-day today (Friday)

    Chris wrote me on March 1st that he had been very ill for the past several months but seemed to be recovering. 

    His long-time close friend and AD Author Addym Kehris broke the bad news to me today.

    Chris will be remembered for his significant body of work, much of which he posted here at AwesomeDude after making the site his home after many years of turning out excellent novels and short stories. 

    Chris was also active - until the time his health took a turn for the worse - in the AD Forums commenting on our life and times in his own inimitable way with intelligence and insight.

    Chris will be sorely missed here at AwesomeDude.  May he rest in peace.


  3. I totally agree with your review, Emu!

    This is one of the best movies in years.

    BTW although Conor was supposed to be the 'Handsome Devil' ... I found Ned to be equally appealing.  Adorable Ginger!

    High recommendations for this movie! 


  4. Although I didn't plan to make a big deal of it -  as we did when AwesomeDude.com turned ten... a significant number of our authors and readers did realize that we turned fifteen on April 4th. 

    My thanks to those who noticed and wrote.

    I do have a few announcements to make, however, so I'll take this chance to do so.

    Firstly, as you may have noticed, all our new short stories and novels posted here at AD are now done in responsive format.  That means that you are now able to read these new stories on your smartphones as well as on your desktop or laptop computers with no degradation of presentation.  This requires a great deal of care in setting up stories initially and updating them.

    The goal is to have everything at AwesomeDude easily readable on all kinds of devices.  Since it requires going back over the past fifteen years and reformatting stories up to fifteen years old... this is likely to take a while but that IS the plan.

    We're doing this on a gradual basis, beginning from this month by making the Dude's Picks from the Past stories available in the new format.

    Secondly, our intrepid Design Editor, AlienSon, has worked out a way to reformat our Author Pages to make room for adding additional stories when space runs out... as it often has on the pages of our most prolific authors.  We'll be going through our author pages and updating them regularly. 

    If you're a reader and your favorite author pages are not up-to-date.  Please write me at dude@awesomedude.com. 

    Those are just a couple of the things we're doing to improve our readers' experience at AwesomeDude. 

    More to come!

    Remember to write your favorite authors to show your appreciation for their efforts which they provide with no compensation except for your support. 

    And speaking of support.... any donations toward keeping the site on the web would be greatly appreciated.  If you're so inclined, you'll find a PayPal Donate button on the AD Home Page or you can contact me directly.

    Here's to another fifteen years of high quality gay fiction!



  5. Whoopi Goldberg, besides at first pronouncing his surname wrong, missed the fact that Troye starred in the movies Spud and then later in  Spud 2 and Spud 3 .His YouTube fame came later and is NOT his original claim to fame.

    I am looking forward to seeing the movie.

    This kid is a sweetheart and sooooo talented!

  6. Hi everybody. 

    It's open call for Valentine's Short Stories again and this time I mean OPEN!

    This year we're opening the stories not only to current AwesomeDude Authors but to anyone who wants to have their story read on AwesomeDude.

    The only caveat is that all stories must confirm to the submission guidelines posted on the AD story site.

    If you're a budding author who'd like to get your story seen here, just send it along to submissions@awesomedude.com no later than February 7th.  Please submit in Microsoft Word .doc or .docx format as we'll be short of time to do conversions from other formats.

    So welcome one and all.  The earlier you get your story in, the better.




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