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Posts posted by Graeme

  1. Thanks, Colin. Even though it's not applicable to me (my wife and I have just celebrated our 27th wedding anniversary), I'm really happy that not only will other guys and girls get to marry their partners soon, but the survey made it abundantly clear that majority of Australians have their back. It's that latter point that made me so happy that day.

    Thanks for sharing yours and Dougs story, too. It's a special time... :icon1:

  2. Just being nit-picky on the first item, but an odd number can be legitimate. If someone marries twice in the same year, the total number of people involved is three (the person and the two people they married). Hence, an odd number of people who got married that year.

  3. The only feedback I have on the recent changes is that browsing old stories is difficult. As I page through multiple loads, my browser gets slower and slower until it effectively becomes unusable. Otherwise, I like the way the site works :icon1:

  4. That's fine when there's a main character, but I don't see how that works with multiple main characters, such as with the George R.R. Martin Game of Thrones series. Which charcter is the narrator there? I can't even pick a single 'main' character that dominates the story.

    If the story is written as third person omniscient, then the author is the 'narrator', but with third person limited, we're only seeing things from the point of view of one character per scene. The Harry Potter series was largely written in third person limited, from Harry's point of view, but it included scenes in third person from other outside perspectives. That is, what I've seen described as third person restricted, as if narrated by an external observer who can see, but doesn't know what's inside anyone's head.

    In my case I'm going more for a Game of Thrones style of multiple characters, one of which will be an American.

  5. Thanks, but first person won't work because there will be a lot of significant characters, each with their own story. The American is a significant character, but he won't be the only one.

    First person only works if there is one main character  (and I dislike multiple first person POV). This story has to be third person for it to work. That means the 'narrator' isn't a character, per se, though with third person limited, it comes close. 

    Okay, it sounds like I should stick to one language...

  6. I have a question as the best way forward when a story involves two similar but distinct langauges. The two languages in question being American English and Australian English.

    The story starts in America with an American protagonist, but it quickly moves to Australia. I'm happy to keep dialogue with the appropriate language (Americans using American English and Australians using Australian English), but I'm not sure what I should use for narration. Australian or American English?

    The story will be written in third person and I'll be trying to make it as close as I can to third person limited. This means that my options as I see them are:

    1. Write in American English, as that's the natural language of the story opening.

    2. Write in Australian English, as that's the natural language for most of where the story is located.

    3. Write the scenes from the American character's POV in American English and the scenes from the Australian characters' POV in Australian English.

    This may sound like a fine detail question, but I think American readers will get annoyed with a story that appears initially to be set in the USA that's using Australian English (eg. colour, realised) and not American English (color, realized). However, it equally feels odd to me to have a story that's largely set in Australia using American English. It feels even weirder to mix the two languages in a single story...



  7. Is it my imagination, or has a large number of stories disappeared? The gay High School section is only showing stories since Jan 2016, and the indexes to older stories now longer exist. Similar for the gay College section.

    Was there some sort of announcement about the older stories that I missed? This seems to have happened in the last couple of days.

  8. Thank you, Merkin and Chris!

    The problems that arise from being gay parents, as distinct to the problems all parents face, are real, but level of intensity will vary from place to place, culture to culture. My personal feeling is that in urban Australia, there are homophobes, but they are a definite minority. The majority will be either indifferent or supportive, and that's what I tried to show in this story. Most supporting characters were either supportive or didn't seem to care that Alan and Peter are gay. A few objected or made negative comments, but even though they may only be a few, they can still cause problems.

    Interestingly, I remember seeing some videos by Dan Savage when he visited Georgia (I think) a couple of years ago. Despite the people he spoke to being against same-sex marriage, they didn't seem to have a problem with him as an individual being in a same-sex relationship and raising a daughter. It's something else that I firmly believe -- that there are some people who may be homophobic when presented with abstract concepts, but when a real-world human example is put in front of them, they can show compassion. Things can be different and attitudes can change when there's a real person in front of you, rather than a mental picture of a stereotype.

  9. Thank you! While I could've kept writing, the climax had arrived and passed, and I didn't want to keep the story dragging on. If I did, I'd have to find another climax, and I didn't want to take the risk of descending into melodrama. I can also now start work on some other projects I have in mind :smile:

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