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Posts posted by ricky

  1. An update. Perhaps I owe Google an apology. I have come to find from reading through other posts that I should look for a worm. I did and found one that Macafee missed. I use their enterprise which is the same one the government uses. I did a CTL + ALT +Del and opened task manager. There in the processes list I found the little devil.

    jqs.exe No clues how I got it. It burrows it's way into your java program and changes the legit jqs.exe It has a few effects on the system. It downloads a program into your system32\driver directory in windows. The program is regkill.sys. I have managed to kill both in safemode. But the remaining affect I am living with yet is that www.awesomedude.com shuts all instances of Firefox and IE regardless of what's on the other pages. I can't ssee where to fix it so I come here hat in hand apologizing to google, and trying to find someone who can tell me where to go and how to fix the issue. It is because this site is my top used link that it became the target.

    I have uninstalled and cleaned the registry and re=installed FF and it remains. So the next step is to do the same with IE.



    aka Ricky

  2. For the better part of three years I have communicated with my readers through that account and have not done anything different when they just locked me out. Their error message said it could be because of a "perceived" violation of the TOS. There is a link you can click that gives you a dialog that allows you to state your case. But nothing after two days and from what I heard once done you are just screwed. I went back through 11 pages of forum and found one guy that said he was reinstated. So there is hope all is not lost but I won't hold my breath.

    It sure would be nice to get my contacts backed up and replicated in the new account.

    My group was also attached to that address so I had to redo the group. It is my notification group of people who wish to be notified of new chapters or new writings from me. So 160 names have to be added one by one. grrrrrrrr

    So anybody that used to email me at mytrickybits@gmail.com will now have to do it at mytrickybits2@gmail.com

    (And admins, no worries on the email addresses, these are posted on my work so they are public)

    Luckily I had the list backed up. Unluckily I did not have my contact list backed up and I know there are a couple people who wonder why I'm not returning emails.

    I am working to get my own domain set up so that I don't have to depend on them. Probably mid January.

    So a word to the wise, back up contacts.

    The embarrassing part is that I should have known better. :hehe:


    Thanks for letting me vent.


    bestpi (Codey's World)



    - Verbs HAS to agree with their subjects.

    - Prepositions are not words to end sentences with.

    - And don't start a sentence with a conjunction.

    - It is wrong to ever split an infinitive.

    - Avoid cliches like the plague.

    - Also, always avoid annoying alliteration.

    - Be more or less specific.

    - Parenthetical remarks (however relevant) are (usually) unnecessary.

    - Also too, never, ever use repetitive redundancies.

    - No sentence fragments.

    - Contractions aren't necessary and shouldn't be used.

    - Foreign words and phrases are not apropos.

    - Do not be redundant; do not use more words than necessary; it's

    highly superfluous.

    - One should NEVER generalize.

    - Comparisons are as bad as cliches.

    - Don't use no double negatives.

    - Eschew ampersands & abbreviations, etc.

    - One-word sentences? Eliminate.

    - Analogies in writing are like feathers on a snake.

    - The passive voice is to be ignored.

    - Eliminate commas, that are, not necessary. Parenthetical words

    however should be enclosed in commas.

    - Never use a big word when a diminutive one would suffice.

    - Kill all exclamation points!!!

    - Use words correctly, irregardless of how others use them.

    - Understatement is always the absolute best way to put forth earth-shaking ideas.

    - Use the apostrophe in it's proper place and omit it when its not


    - Eliminate quotations. As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "I hate quotations. Tell me what you know."

    - If you've heard it once, you've heard it a thousand times: Resist hyperbole; not one writer in a million can use it correctly.

    - Puns are for children, not groan readers.

    - Go around the barn at high noon to avoid colloquialisms.

    - Even IF a mixed metaphor sings, it should be derailed.

    - Who needs rhetorical questions?

    - Exaggeration is a billion times worse than understatement.

    And finally...

    - Proofread carefully to see if you any words out.

  4. It is indeed outrageous but when the ones who write and enforce the laws are also the biggest offenders. Don't expect it to get better. The law needs to be first time severe. No exceptions.

    I have raised both my boys to know when you drink, you don't drive. I intentionally give the keys to the car to my wife the moment I order even a beer. (She has her own set but it was symbolic) I am proud to say my boys have no problem calling for a ride or taking a cab.

    So a lot of it is in the education of our young. If you couple education with a stiff and absolute law I think you could almost totally eliminate these tragedies.

    Did you know that in Arizona, if you are too drunk to drive, any cab company will take you home free of charge! Some will even pick you up again in the morning to go get your car.

    Yea Arizona!

    But I'm damn sorry for the loss of your friend.

  5. At least now we know what all the hoot 'n hollerin' that's goin' on back in them thar hills is all about!


    Holy Shit! Did you see the size of that cowboy's cock! DAMN! Why did I EVER leave Arizona.

    As a writer, I love to hear that it [my story] is being read. Period. If it is not being read then why post it? It doesn't mean I would stop telling the story, but it is difficult to go through the headache of formatting it and sending it off if you are not even sure if it is still being read. Silence is not ALWAYS golden.

    As for changing the direction of a story, by the very nature of the story and the way I write, being told by the characters what to say, I am unable to change the way the story goes. I found out early on that storybook characters HATE outlines. I have added readers requests for circumstances on occasions with mixed results.

    But all in all, I write for myself first and even without feedback, I would probably continue to do so. But comments keep me informed that others are there and are interested in what happens next. So it keeps me posting and holds me to a schedule I would not have otherwise. So in short, comments affect my writing frequency and consistency, but not the direction of that which, for me, is already lain in stone, just waiting for me to chisel it out.



    aka bestpi (codey's World)

    aka ricky (Nifty prolific author, IOMFATS.org, SCREEVE.org)

  6. Thanks for the update! Knowing where it stands helps me be patient :)

    Someone once told me that you can live through anything if you can see the end of it.

    I've found that to be quite true.

    "Writing? It's like words that stay."

    Jan in "The Dark Crystal"

    I'm sure it will be well worth the wait. It always is isn't it?

  7. The idea is good. But everyone knows that Jamie would hold everyone's number one spot with "The Scrolls of Icaria" Josh would hold the next two with "Jeet" and "The Least of These"

    So really you only need to place the next seven and be done!

  8. Now just where are your stories? :icon_twisted:

    OH! A request for a commercial? I can provide one shamelessly. But be forwarned, I am not on Awesomedude which means it isn't that kind of quality. Someday perhaps. But I offer the links like a bad pizza, ya have to eat one now and then to maintain a point of reference.

    Current Ongoing Unfinished Stories:

    "Roll Call":








    Completed Stories:

    "The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of":

    (Warning! Tissue alert. Both kinds, happy and sad.)

    http://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/rural/the-stuff-that-dreams-are-made-of/ Complete Listing

    http://www.iomfats.org/storyshelf/hosted/ricky/ Partial posted

    http://www.screeve.org/fiction/ricky/ricky.shtml Complete Listing

    "Blind Sensations":

    http://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/young-friends/blind-sensations/ Complete Listing

    http://www.iomfats.org/storyshelf/hosted/ricky/ Complete Listing

    Thanks for asking. I hope you find some enjoyment there.

  9. I love this story- very much! I am curious, does anyone know if we are entering another hiatus or if Jamie is just in need of a couple of extra weeks? I understand it takes time to craft a masterpiece, I just want to prepare myself if we are looking at indefinite time period, reading the updates are something I look forward to!

    Hi Mike,

    Jamie and AJ Try to deliver on a three week schedule but life sometimes occurs. As is the case at the moment. There is a lot more to come but quality creates it's own demand and sometimes it takes a little longer.

    I know it's difficult to wait with a product of this quality. So take flight and hang out with the rest of us.

    Birds of a feather, flock together.

  10. It's not a scenario that's been used a lot, but Grasshopper had such a character in "Just Hit Send" and there's another story (which I haven't read yet) over at GA called "Love in a chair". There's still plenty of scope for stories in this area, though. I remember another short story that involved a gay character who was deaf and mute -- pick any challenge that someone can be subjected to, and there will be a percentage that are gay....

    I find that the charcters who are disadvantaged only have more obvious disadvantages. We all have our quirks. I have two stories with disadvantaged boys. Blind Sensations obviously features a British boy transplanted to the states who is blind. The other story is still in progress, Roll Call about the relationship between a boy who is a bit fem and a boy who is an amputee.

    I think it's important to show they can love and be loved like anyone else.

  11. Hi Everyone. I'm new. This is my first post. So I have a lot to say. (You'll find I usually do.)

    In reference to Charles. It is mentioned that Croal had his own spy network. Remember that he was destroying his work weeks before the attack on the villa. Also remember that he [Charles] paused a brief moment and shuttered just before signing the order. He had reservations about the act but a longer hesitation would have given him away.

    I think Charles was a double agent. He did what he had to do but tipped Croal off well ahead of time that it was coming.

    As for Charles having a mate. Remember that Charles was the first Icarian. They did not know yet that the female of the species could not survive. The ability to procreate was not added until they realized that fact. So Charles would be without the ability to have other than a female mate. Although we still don't know how they procreate and may never know. The mating relationships in this story are more instictual than hormonal and thus the sexuality of the species is really far off the page in importance. The fact that they are bonded makes it instinctual hence the madness of disunion.

    I think Charles is following and supporting Jamie because he did what he had to do to help Croal and he believes in the path chosen for Jamie. What greater task than to order the death of the savior of the race, knowing you are doing it with his blessing and it is required in order for his plan to be successful. Failure or hesitation was not an option. And Croal knew the outcome could only be one way. Knowing when that moment would occur was key to the success he planned so hard.

    What I found surprising was the mention of having to find Nick and "The other one" meaning Givonni. He was planned. Now how did Giovanni end up at the Ecole? Why Giovanni for Charlie? It was obviously planned.

    Who will die in the circle? Jamie of course. When he does, the orbs are released from "Both" as they must be re-absorbed in the proper sequence. The charm of all of them is reanimation. Charlie will absorb them bring life back to Jamie. Charlie has an additional virus. I suspect it will allow him to expell the orbs for re-assimilation by Jamie.

    Now here is MY confusion. Jamie exhibited all the powers and traits of a wizard when he unleashed his power on the city of light to protect his mate and the Icarian race. He already holds then the powers of the wizard. Why does he need the orbs at all? Was the power extracted from him rather than just forgotten? Hmmmmm.

    I love this story. Jamie Rocks.

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