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Manic Mike

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Blog Comments posted by Manic Mike

  1. Physics and English. If there is an anomaly, thy name is Mike. That's like mixing oil and water. Oh, wait, these days, that's a bad analogy.Life is about challenges, for all of us, no matter who we are. It's about overcoming the difficulties we face, and we all face them. It sounds to me like you're making A's in overcoming your personal trials.That's pretty special stuff. You should be very proud of yourself.Cole
    Thanks Cole and the physics-English combination isn't that odd. In fact there's Dr. Michio Kaku who in addition to being a brilliant theoretical physicist is an author whose books explain the physics behind time travel , parallel universes as well as analyze the physics required for things like The Death Star or light Sabre's to actually function. I recommend all you science buff out there to check out Physics of the Impossible by him.
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