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Everything posted by petefromoz

  1. All that matters by Pete When I was younger, and life was easy (so I like to think) there were still times when things went wrong, or I got mad, or felt lost. So when that happened, it helped to know I'd find comfort in the arms of my parents. I knew they loved me, that's all that matters. Now that I'm older, wise and mature (so I like to think) there are still times when it all gets too much, too dark, or too hard. So when that happens, it helps to know I'll find comfort in the arms of my parents. I know they love me, that's all that matters. One day, I'll find the one out there for me (so I like to think). That will be great, but there'll still be times when things get tough, or rough. So when that happens, it helps to know I'll find comfort in the arms of my partner. I know he'll love me, that's all that matters.
  2. I really like this one. There's a dreamlike quality to the images it throws up; that disconnected, not-quite-real sensation. As someone who also has trouble sleeping, I have to say this conveys the feeling all too well. Nicely done! Regards, Pete
  3. Wow. Thank you! Coming from accomplished writers like yourselves that means a great deal to me. Regards, Pete
  4. I'm not all that sure about posting this one - it went in a direction I wasn't planning to go. The words, though, they wanted to be said, and who am I to refuse them? Ordinary desires by Pete We say we're tired of fighting, when we're lost for things to say. We hope we'll end up smiling, but get lost along the way. For all we've done, the fight's not won; there's still more things to say. It's said to be convention, but I just can't understand why religious intervention sets the statutes of the land. It's not the ring; a simple thing - I want to hold his hand.
  5. I don't usually write, but this one got stuck in my head last night, and this seemed as good a place as any to let it out. Trinity by Pete To give and be given, to hold and be held to love, and to be loved; this will suffice. Wealth tarnishes, power fades, fame passes. Everything ends eventually. But to give, hold, love, and to have these returned, would be enough.
  6. I really loved this one - the hyperlinks are a brilliant way of getting inside the heads of the other characters while keeping the first-person perspective. (I must confess, I skimmed ahead and read all of the hyperlinks before the first chapter itself on the first run through. It made for a most unusual, but satisfying read.) The story is another fine outing by Graeme -- I have yet to meet a work of his I haven't enjoyed -- and I can't wait for the next instalment.
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