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Victory in New York

Guest Dabeagle

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Great story. Cuomo campaigned partly on this, so it was a foregone conclusion that he would sign the bill, but I'm glad the state legislature came in-line as well.

Incredible that California voted it down... Maybe we'll have a chance of re-introducing the bill and getting it through this time.

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Incredible that California voted it down... Maybe we'll have a chance of re-introducing the bill and getting it through this time.

I thought the California legislative passed a bill, but it was vetoed by the Governor.

Regardless, good news for New York! :icon_geek:

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I thought the California legislative passed a bill, but it was vetoed by the Governor.

No, the govenor, at that time, Arnold Schwarzenneger (sp?) did not veto the legislation. It was Prop 8 that was approved by the voters that put a halt to gay marriage. Now, of course, it is in the courts.

Arnold is (was) not apposed to such a bill. Our current Gov. Jerry Brown thinks government has no business legislating marriage in this sense.

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No, the govenor, at that time, Arnold Schwarzenneger (sp?) did not veto the legislation. It was Prop 8 that was approved by the voters that put a halt to gay marriage. Now, of course, it is in the courts.

Arnold is (was) not apposed to such a bill. Our current Gov. Jerry Brown thinks government has no business legislating marriage in this sense.

Hate to have to do this to ya, but... http://articles.sfgate.com/2007-10-13/bay-area/17266566_1_same-sex-marriage-veto-message-marriage-bill ://http://articles.sfgate.com/2007-10-...marriage-bill ://http://articles.sfgate.com/2007-10-...marriage-bill

He didn't veto it once, he did it TWICE. It was the California Supreme Court that enabled gay marriages via a court case. Then the folks at protectmarriage qualified the ballot initiative and Prop 8 was passed.

It is an important lesson that I hope the folks in New York pay attention to and learn from better than we did out here. When the California weddings started, support for gay marriage was over 50% in this state. Our state voted for Barack Obama and we elected a large number of democrats in 2008. Yet, Prop 8 still passed. Enjoy today's victory, but prepare for tomorrow's battle. Do not be surprised when the opponents of gay marriage start pushing, and getting a ballot proposition to nullify this victory.

Edit: I almost wish I lived in New York. That great state has no citizen-oriented initiative process so only the legislature can put the issue before the voters. This is good news all around!

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