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Dude's Picks for November 2011

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Here are the picks for November


It has been four years today since we lost Codey... justa few months before he would have turned 18.

To introduce this story, I defer to http://lakeweedatarr...d.net/index.htm

From the Heart; Codey; (Codey's World); Jeremy (10 - 18), Tony (8-16); Once upon a time there were two inseparable neighbor boys who spent their young lives together doing all the things that boys do growing up which included building a tree house and getting into the usual harmless trouble. These two boys, one gay, one straight, truly loved each other as if they were blood brothers. Hey, they even had a little ceremony which literally had them mixing their blood together. Then one day in their teens a doctor's painful pronouncement changed everything for them but not the love they had for each other; it just refocused and strengthened it.

I have never, ever read a story in my life that moved me more emotionally, that embraced my heart and would not let it go as this one did - and this just started to build up right from the opening sentence to the closing period. This story is incredible as it shows us what deep and loyal brotherly love really looks and feels like. I was emotionally drained after reading it. And it is really awe-inspiring to realize that a very sick 16 year old boy named Codey wrote it. He died when he was 17 in 2007 from the long-term effects of a horrific car accident that happened when he was almost 12 - his mother, father and younger brother were killed in the accident caused by a drunken trucker. He was in a coma for 47 days and was not expected to live until his 18 birthday which unfortunately turned out to be true. So as I read the story I could see how Codey put all of his heart and soul into this short novel. It has been revealed that this story was a very personal statement from Codey to his friend Tim that all would be OK after he was gone. So there were several places that I had tears running down my face as I read it. I just identified with both of the main characters, Tony and Jeremy so much, especially Tony because of the deep love and friendship he had for Jeremy and what he was willing to do for his seriously ill friend. Click Here to go to Codey's Website that is still maintained to this day as a memorial by his many friends.

Also making the list this month is Love in a Chair by Altimexis - a special request from a reader.

Short Stories

Bridge by Bruin Fisher - An excellent story of a man's compassion for a homeless gay teen.

After Hours by AJ - A spooky tale about some 'unusual' friends set in Seattle. A great read!

If you have a favorite AwesomeDude story from the past that you'd like to share with other readers, drop me a line at dude@awesomedude.com

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