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Day of Silence

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For the past 17 years, students in schools across the land have stopped to ponder the mistreatment of LBGT kids on this day, a Day of Silence.

As the name implies, there are many who do nothing to prevent the bullying and hatred towards LBGT kids. Schools are expected to educate, and yet it takes a group of students to point the way where the adults have failed. This is not to say that all schools ignore the needs of their students, but even one is too many.

From state legislators who ban the discussion of anything gay in Tennessee, to those ignorant school districts that allow anti-gay religious organizations to pass out literature in their schools, the gay students need a voice in their defense, and yet they don't have one.

The First Ammendment of the Constitution allows students across America to either voice their opinions, or in this case, withhold them in silence. Bullies need to be taken down, eradicated and removed from schools. I wish only the best to all those who stand up in silence this day, they deserve our quiet attention.


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And what a wonderful column it is!

There would be little point in DesDownUnder going silent since he has always been a master at expressing thoughts I find most relevent in any discussion. I do agree with the premise students take in their Day of Silence since it s hard to punish someone for not saying anything. It does call attention to the gag many school and state authorities place on student free speech. Silence reveals the contempt many feel when they see the bullying either from students or teachers. It is the safe way to express those feelings.

I was a radical in my teenage years, but I attended a private school where free expression was not limited to "safe speech." Gay students were accepted for their academic and artistic accomplishments, there was no bullying allowed. Peer pressure maintained those rules and this is where I think it needs to remain. Authorities can be fooled, but the judgement of peers can be damning. Adults are the problem in this issue and it seems we agree on that point.

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