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The Initiation Ceremony (The Academy: Onboarding Week series)

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As I sat on the bench in the locker room on the 7th floor of the Central Campus Academy Tower, my fellow pledges seated to my left and right, watching the instructors huddled together in the centre of the room, I nervously anticipated what was about to happen. We waited a short while, having been led here by the instructors after moving our belongings into our Dorms earlier that morning, then attending the “Official Welcome”, basically short speeches by, respectively, the President and the Chancellor, and having briefly introduced ourselves in turns to the wider group during a short Icebreaker activity over lunch. I felt more than a little apprehensive, and I reckoned the other 11 young men I was sitting with would have been feeling the same way.


We were told briefly during the Official Welcome that we were to undergo a week of Onboarding, during which we would not be wearing more than our jocks for all of the first four days, including a 48-hour period of being fully naked. Gert, the President of the Academy, had told us during his speech that he and the other instructors, had during the previous week undergone a much more intensive Onboarding than the one we were about to experience, and it was now our turn – we were told that we would collectively experience a range of interactions that most of us would never dare to imagine, let alone partake in, alluding to Jane Ward's book Not Gay: Sex Between Straight White Men.


I had no doubt about my own sexuality, but I suspected most of my fellow pledges were straight; some of them, I knew, even had long-term girlfriends. Indeed, as we had arrived on the Campus that morning, all 24 of us dressed in typical College students' attire of T-shirt and jeans, I saw a few of my fellow pledges each farewelling a chick. From what I knew though, all of us had signed up for this; this pilot project was a study into gender, sexuality, orientation and relationships, simulating an educational institution in which nudity and MSM action was to be a daily part of the routine of all members of the Academy, based on anecdotes of sexual experimentation among peers within closed single-gender environments, be it prisons or boarding schools.


After the icebreaker activity and lunch, we were taken to the Tower Complex located in the centre of campus, up an elevator to the 7th floor, and past a reception area which gave way to a vast locker room; here we split up into two groups, each containing 12 pledges and 12 instructors. The other group went off in a different direction while my group was taken to one part of the locker room, where us pledges were told to sit on a bench along the far wall of the room, the instructors gathering in a huddle next to another bench perpendicular to and in front of us.


After some time, the huddle at the centre of the locker room broke up, and instructors Gert, Shane, Leon and Theo came over to where we were sitting, standing at either end of our bench. Meanwhile, the remaining 8 instructors started unbuttoning their shirts, tossing them into the receptacle at the far end of the room. Conal, Kevin, Ryan and Ivan sat down on the bench perpendicular to and directly in front of us, while Chris, Shaun, Mark and Jon came over to the bench we were sitting on.


Chris approached Ally, Shaun approached Michael, Mark approached me and Jon approached Josh and they asked us to stand up and come with them. They led us to where Conal, Kevin, Ryan and Ivan were sitting and asked us to stand in front of the bench. I found myself standing in front of Ryan, dressed in his uniform trousers, the waistband of his Bonds boxer-briefs peeking out above it, shirtless with his hairy chest showing, in contrast to Conal, Kevin and Ivan, who were hairless. Ryan smiled at me and reached for my crotch; I backed away a little, but someone was behind me blocking my way.


I turned and saw Mark, who told me to relax, as he took my hands and held them gently but firmly behind my back. I realised that I was trapped. Ryan then reached for the zip of my jeans and unzipped it, then he undid my jeans button, following which he unfastened my belt and pulled it out of its hooks on my jeans. I gasped as my belt was removed. Ryan then slowly lowered my jeans, with Mark still holding my hands behind my back. I looked to my left and right and saw my fellow pledges, Ally, Michael and Joshua, receiving the same treatment at the hands of their assigned instructors. Ryan lowered my jeans to my knees, then, smiling at me, he slowly took my boxers and began easing them down, which I was helpless to stop as Mark still had my hands firmly in his grip. Soon my dick came into view and sprang free.


Without warning, Ryan then leant forwards and took my dick into his mouth and started sucking it. I gasped at the sudden onset of pleasure. Out of the corners of my eyes I saw Ally Michael and Joshua also being sucked off, their jeans hanging off them and boxers lowered just a short way, like mine, down to our thighs, as Conal, Kevin, Ryan and Ivan sucked our cocks. I turned back to Ryan, sitting in front of me, and he paused for a bit, smiling at me again, then he used his hands to pull my jeans, which were by that point around my knees, and I felt and heard them drop to the floor, with similar sounds coming from either side of me I knew the same was happening to Ally, Michael and Josh. The instructors were fully coordinated in their movements; I later learned they themselves had been in our position exactly a week before.


I felt a little unbalanced, floating on air because of the pleasure my dick was receiving, and Ryan placed his hands on my elbows to steady me. On he sucked, and I felt the pleasure building up inside of me. Ryan then slid one hand, then the other, under my shirt, and rubbed my tummy a bit before his hands creeped further upwards, and I saw and felt my shirt being lifted up, slowly but surely, my chest coming into view. I was always shy about even taking my shirt off when in company, but this was a new experience on another level altogether. Eventually Ryan's hands settled on my nipples, and he started pinching and playing with them.


Mark still held my hands, standing behind me, and I felt his bare chest against my back through my T-shirt. I felt totally helpless, with Ryan's mouth sucking my cock which by now was fully hard, his hands lifting up my tee and playing with my nipples. I let out a soft moan at the pleasure I was receiving. This went on for a few more minutes. Ryan's hands were also feeling up and running over my chest and stomach, and I silently prayed each time the front of my shirt fell, but Ryan would then immediately lift it up again and his hands would go back to my nipples. This went on for a good while.


Eventually, I felt Mark step back from me, now holding both of my hands in one of his. He then used what I guessed was his other hand to take hold of the back of my T-shirt, which I felt being lifted. Mark briefly released my hands as he pulled my shirt up and my hands went up as my shirt was lifted off me from behind, before Mark took hold of my hands again. Gert, Shane, Leon and Theo stepped forward from their positions supervising the other 8 pledges – namely Erik, Ben, Tauri, Jack, Kalvin, Nathan, Aaron and Douglas – whom only now I realised had been watching us the whole time; I was too focused on what was happening to me and those around me I had totally forgotten about the others watching from the far end of the locker room.


Gert, Shane, Leon and Theo each took a freshly-confiscated shirt from Chris, Shaun, Jon and Mark, who had simultaneously removed it from the bodies of (respectively) Ally, Michael, Joshua and myself, who in turn were having our dicks continuing to be worked on by the mouths of (again respectively) Conal, Kevin, Ivan and Ryan. Out of the corner of my eye I saw our T-shirts being dropped in the collection bin at the far end of the room, where our instructors had dropped their Uniform Shirts before. I was now shirtless, with my jeans around my ankles, boxers around my upper legs, hands held firmly behind my back by Mark and cock being sucked intensely by Ryan. I was far from comfortable at my nudity, yet being in this vulnerable position felt strangely exhilarating and added a new dimension to the physical sensations I was feeling in my dick. I was the one receiving the pleasure, yet I was the slave.


I knew the same was happening to my 3 fellow pledges as well, as one by one each of us were letting out grunts and moans of pleasure. I didn't know how I felt about this – like the others I had committed to this Academy, and this was part of our Initiation – but it felt strangely surreal as I stood there totally helpless to stop what was happening to me. One by one, each of us started moaning in earnest as we came into our instructors' mouths, with our hands still held behind our back. As each of us came, Gert, Shane, Leon and Theo, who were supervising other fellow pledges who were waiting their turn, led the group in cheering and clapping. Eventually I came, and Ryan hungrily swallowed it all as I moaned in pleasure, Mark behind me holding me steady.


Mark finally let go of my hands, saying, “Put your shorts back on and sit back down there”. Feeling embarrassed, I was only too happy to oblige; Ryan had released my cock from his mouth and I put it back into my jocks, pulling them back up, still reeling from the orgasm. I realised that nobody had sucked me off for a while, recalling old memories from about 5 years ago, as an 18-year-old visiting the baths in Melbourne for the first time, being sucked off by a naked man in his late 30s sitting on his towel, as I stood in front of him with my own towel draped over my shoulder; prior to that first visit to the baths, I recalled nobody besides myself had seen my dick for many years.


I shuffled back over to the far bench, where Ally, Michael and Josh joined me, all four of us now wearing only our Jocks, as Erik, Ben, Tauri and Jack were called to come forward for their turn. I felt strangely exposed being among the four wearing the least clothing in the room, especially sitting with Kalvin, Nathan, Aaron and Douglas who were by contrast still fully dressed in their street clothes, but I knew that all of us, including the instructors, would all be in the same state soon enough. And as for us pledges, our Jocks were all that we would be wearing until the following afternoon, from which point the instructors would have us either in Towels or fully naked for a full 48-hour period.


As these thoughts ran through my mind, my cock twitched and slowly got hard again, eventually making a tent in my Jocks. Prior to that point I had always believed receiving a BJ equated to power and giving one implied servitude; it was strange how the tables had been reversed in my latest experience, its semi-public nature enhancing the symbolism of it all. And this was just a taste of what was to follow in the coming days, when my pledge buddies and I would bond over our collective shared experiences of being subjugated, the smoothness of the BJ we had just received contrasting with the rough nature of the many JOs that we would later be forced to endure, naked and restrained, powerless to stop the talented hands of our instructors pumping our cum out of our hard dicks in full view of one another. It was seriously hot.

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  • Homebase changed the title to The Initiation Ceremony (The Academy: Onboarding Week series)

Wow, 16 views yet no comments? Someone could say something or two. I'm dying to know what you guys think. 

The two stories I've posted to date are part of a backdrop of a wider fantasy world that I'm in the process of building. 

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7 hours ago, IOMfAtS said:

Homebase (In the UK this is a DIY shed chain) and I are working on a mentoring arrangement. They have asked me do do a literary Review/Critique of the story.

That is good news.


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On 7/10/2024 at 6:59 AM, IOMfAtS said:

Homebase (In the UK this is a DIY shed chain) and I are working on a mentoring arrangement. They have asked me do do a literary Review/Critique of the story.

Hey IOMfAtS thanks heaps for agreeing to work together on this mentoring arrangement - my apologies for not getting back to you yet. Unfortunately I've had some other stuff going on over the past week or so - I haven't even been able to look at the critique/comments in the documents you emailed to me - rest assured I will get round to it shortly. Thanks again for your help and advice; I look forward to a fruitful and productive journey in the process of developing my skills/technique in fiction writing. Thanks also to Cole Parker for the referral.

Someone else commented in another thread about how I should use a more suspenseful and "gripping" tone in the narrative in order to engage the reader, and he kindly posted a sample of this in the form of one of the opening paragraphs of The CEO's Show rewritten in this manner. I will be incorporating it into my manuscript (with editions, paraphrasing, etc.) and use this as inspiration to rework the rest of the project. Guess I have a lot of work ahead of me in this regard. It will likely take some time so I may be quiet on these forums for a bit. 

I look forward to publishing the finished product on the main awesomedude.org site in the near to medium-term future - if someone can please shed some light on the protocols for this that would be great. Meanwhile, I hope that more people would be able to post comments, advice etc. to the draft story chapters/ideas I've posted in this and various other threads within this forum; any constructive criticism would be very helpful and greatly appreciated, so please keep them coming. Thank You All Once Again - may the force be with you, now and always XD peace out. 

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