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(38) Your new boyfriend could be a poet.



A local news magazine reported that a poetry reading group in Adelaide was having some issues with a person who wanted to read what some people regard as porn.

Now I should explain that this poetry reading group has been around since the 1970s, but because I have been a shift worker and an avid supporter of whatever free time I have should be devoted to getting my rocks off, rather than reading poetry, I have never attended their meetings.

However my recently awoken interest in poetry (caused by Awesome Dude) and the story itself piqued my interest, so I went to their monthly meeting last night.

What a group of lefties. So that's where the left went. Of course there were a few representatives of the right, but in the spirit of live and let live they were heard with polite applause or giggles sniggers or even a roll of the eyes.

The porn fellow was most uninteresting, but many thought he should be heard as they did not want to introduce thoughts of censorship into the meeting or the group itself.

Freedom of expression and all that was protected with the usual cries of defending the rights of people to be heard. He was given the last slot of the evening to read his stuff, so people could leave if they didn't want to hear him.

I read two of my poems published in AwesomeDude Forums and Codey's World. No one batted an eyelid, and I received a lot of applause and pats on the back for my efforts.

I of course took the opportunity to plug AD and CW. So Dude and Codey can expect a few new visitors at the sites.

All this brought my mind to realising how stimulating it was to read my poems and listen to others.

There was over a 150 people at the meeting.

I cannot begin to explain how great it was to be in room of inspiring and aspiring poets. Good bad and indifferent poems were read and all were accorded polite or enthusiastic reception.

So Guys I recommend you find a local poet's group read your stuff, promote CW and AD if you can, and you may well find yourself inspired to write more.

And yes there were some very cute guys there, who knows your next lover may be a poet.


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Umm, Des, why would I want my new lover/boyfriend/sex slave/ one night stand, whatever you would like to call him, why the hell would I want a poet as a boyfriend?I'm a poet, a hack but a poet nevertheless, and I'm so fucked up in the head, why would I ever want a boyfriend of mine to be a poet? I'm not saying all poets are fucked in the head, but poets are fucked in the head. With all my emotional baggage, the last thing I need is a poet for a boyfriend. After all, the bed is only so big and between my demons and his, there would never be enough room to fuck.Jason R.PS: Poetry readings are pretty cool. Too bad I never read my own work, because maybe I could meet my next boyfriend at a poetry reading.

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Umm, Des, why would I want my new lover/boyfriend/sex slave/ one night stand, whatever you would like to call him, why the hell would I want a poet as a boyfriend?I'm a poet, a hack but a poet nevertheless, and I'm so fucked up in the head, why would I ever want a boyfriend of mine to be a poet? I'm not saying all poets are fucked in the head, but poets are fucked in the head. With all my emotional baggage, the last thing I need is a poet for a boyfriend. After all, the bed is only so big and between my demons and his, there would never be enough room to fuck.Jason R.PS: Poetry readings are pretty cool. Too bad I never read my own work, because maybe I could meet my next boyfriend at a poetry reading.
Err Yes Jason, I think that was what I meant. (PS: I don't think you are a hack.) :icon10:
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