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Me ... me me me.



I'm beginning to feel chilled and happy. The stress of the last year has finally vanished over the horizon - never to return - and it's summer! What more could a chap want? Oh yeah, that. ;)

That's being worked on. *coughs and blushes*

Ooops. I'm late.


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Guest Kapitano (who's forgotten his password)


Odd how happiness after stress is happier than happiness after only less happiness. Um, I think.As for the...other thing...I'd offer to help but I'm fully occupied with a dozen Arabic teenage boys who need guidance with their English. It's a tough job.

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Thank you Trab and Kapitano! You are both Ba Lambs of the first order, and from the bottom of my heart I thank'ee.Soon I will be changing the rather broody 'My Picture' for a better shot: one where I am happily happy, rather than moodily sulky (not to mention foggy, too).

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