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So ... we've moved, and I can almost feel the stress seeping out of my body and evaporating ... or whatever happens to stress when it's no longer required.

For the last couple of days I've felt totally dispossessed - like I was acting in a film with a weird script, and over which I had no control. Most odd.

Now it's the cats that are stressed out. The poor things are going off their heads with angst. And because they can't go out for a couple of weeks, they spend most of their time slinking around arguing - or looking longingly out of the window at their new territory.

Back to normal soon, methinks. Possibly ... hopefully.



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Seeping out of your body? What does that look like, then? Are you carrying around a rag to mop it all up as it seeps?(Back on message) Three cheers you've completed the move. The cats will settle in soon, you're re-settled (making you sound like refugees from a famine) and back online. Big relief for those of us who've been pining for you! :hug: Bruin delighted to have you back

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Congrats Camy... when's the house-warming party?As for stress, might I suggest taking matters into your own...er..hands? Works for the crazy Raccoon.*runs away before Wibby catches me*Jason

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Seeping out of your body? What does that look like, then? Are you carrying around a rag to mop it all up as it seeps?
Kinda like very very small Gremlins. I jump on them.
(Back on message) Three cheers you've completed the move. The cats will settle in soon, you're re-settled (making you sound like refugees from a famine) and back online. Big relief for those of us who've been pining for you! :wub: Bruin delighted to have you back
Thanks, mate. It's good to start feeling good again!
Dearest Camy:I'm glad it's working out for you. But if you are missing your stress, I will gladly share some of mine.
No thank you very much, Wibby. Kind of you to offer, though.
Congrats Camy... when's the house-warming party?As for stress, might I suggest taking matters into your own...er..hands? Works for the crazy Raccoon.*runs away before Wibby catches me*Jason
Stress ... own hands ...? Oh! :hug: OH! :wub: You're a bad, bad man, Jason! *snickers* :wub:
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DesDownUnder's moving the cat guide: :wub: 1 Smear butter on their feet. They will sit down and lick it off their tootsies. This will give them time to forget they are stressed and allow them to adjust to their new abode. If you are lucky they will ask you to stay.2. Do not allow them to see the night sky for a month. Cats navigate by the position of the stars. If they haven't seen them for awhile they stay where they are. (No I don't remember where I read that, I must have been indoors at the time, but if I can remember it, it must be true. :hug: )3. Give them lots of attention, hugs and talk to them. Tell them you love them. :wub:

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So THAT'S why I saw all those little buttery footprints the last time I visited your b/f!C
Of course he refuses to lick the butter of his feet.He gets me to do that.At least it works. He hasn't left me. :hug:
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