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How long does it take to achieve orgasm? This was discussed at Joe My God, and I thought I should share my answer with you here in my blog.

Under 25: From slack to spit in 60 seconds.

After 40: Use it or lose it. Make sure you have at least 3 orgasms a week. (with or without a partner.) If you do this then you should be able to have an orgasm once or twice a week after 60. Chinese herbs can assist the elderly and are safer than Viagra in my opinion. (You don't need them when you are younger.)

However at any age, 17 -30 minutes for the entire act (including foreplay) was considered the norm around 1970. Of course that doesn't include emergency sex in tea rooms, cottages, or a quick flip in the park, where the act was finished much faster than the investigation of making sure the other person actually wanted to attempt a world record for having a climax.

Much of the myth of the male orgasm being only possible once or twice a day is related to puritan attitudes and the imposition of guilt about pleasure.

Why religions are obsessed with restricting sex is an obscenity in itself and is a crime against individual freedom.

After orgasm number one, anal penetration can provide the stimulation for orgasm number 2, in less than a minute or two. Of course it is more fun to wait and engage in more fore-play, or if you want to be more accurate, "in-between-play." The important thing is to listen to your body if it wants to rest then wait, but don't fall for the restrictions placed on us that once, is all that is possible. There is nothing "sinful" about having an orgasm or three, (or more.) Even so, you don't need to do it just because you can, unless you want to. Sometimes saving it is pleasurable too.

Of course people differ, both in capacity as well as volume, but the greatest aphrodisiac is "wanting it."

As for time, well, timing a simultaneous orgasm is more exciting and fulfilling than measuring the time it all takes with a stop-watch.

A straight friend who bemoaned the fact the he and his wife never wanted sex at the same time, once had a moment of enlightenment when he commented, "Oh wow, I get it, two men do it when they both want it, and that is all the time."

How long it takes varies from day to day, partner to partner, place to place and of course the urgency of the moment...and then there is the romance of it all to consider, which can use time to achieve new levels of extended, heightened experience, but that is called being in love and knows no boundaries but being with the one you love, and that is when time no longer exists as we play among the stars with each other.


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Well, I ... umm, gosh. Erm ... I don't usually have a timing device to hand when I, erm ... you know. Thing.Honestly, I'd have set my bedroom up differently if I'd known I needed stopwatches and stroke meters. :hug:

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Thank you Camy. :hug: Personally I would rather measure the number of orgasms, than the number of minutes between them, but some people have minds that have to measure everything, and that is why alongside the time-piece on the bed-side table, they also have a set of measuring jugs. I think they are being hopeful, myself.But I suppose if you are on a diet you should count the calories before swallowing. :hug:

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Well, I ... umm, gosh. Erm ... I don't usually have a timing device to hand when I, erm ... you know. Thing.Honestly, I'd have set my bedroom up differently if I'd known I needed stopwatches and stroke meters. :hug:
Nah, don't go through all that trouble. Just videotape the act and upload it here. We'll time it for you.'Cause, you know. We're helpful.
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