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Blog Comments posted by FreeThinker

  1. I will admit that as far as anal is concerned, I prefer being a bottom. It is more satisfying and I last longer-- listen to me... I haven't been with another person since the last century. I also prefer having someone be in charge, having someone love and protect me. It's nice to be with someone stronger, so it's not just a sexual thing. It's also an emotional thing.

    My first time being f@@@@ed, occurred when I was 16. I was walking home from work at Pizza Hut on a Friday night and a man in his early forties offered me a ride, which I naively accepted. I soon realized what he wanted and I wasn't averse to it! We pulled into a Sears parking lot and went to the back of his station wagon. Its true... you c an get anything you want at Sears (or could in 1974). I had never done certain things before, but I had shoplifted a copy of Everything You Always Wanted to Now About Sex But Were Afraid to Ask, so I had a mechanical understanding of what was going to happen, but I admit the preliminaries shocked me. A tongue...down there? Well, yes. Yes. YES! But the rest hurt and he didn't stop when I said STOP. So, it was not until my sophomore year in college that THAT particular thing happened again. Fortunately, it was with someone possessed of KY-- Did you know there was a time when you had to have a prescription or be a medical professional to have access to KY? I'm sure there are jokes to be made about that!

    As I grew older and more experienced, I found being the sucker rather than the suckee and the fuckee rather than the fucker was what I wanted. There is something about someone else being in charge, being stronger, and protecting me that is an emotional turn-on and attraction. So, it's not merely a sexual preference.

    In a couple of my stories, I've written about Bad Boys and how sexy they can be, (ex. Brad in Courage and Passion). I'm not necessarily into bad boys, but I can see the attraction to having someone being dominant in that way.

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