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Posts posted by bi_janus

  1. There are days I yearn for bland, a word that has taken an unfair pejorative cast. Years ago, bland meant soothing or smooth in nature, and I suppose in one way, uniform. Of course, it's entirely possible that I'm just not skillful enough to pull off the poetry of happiness. On the poetry of the duvet, I'd have to agree with Camy. And, C, you have it exactly.

  2. Poem requested by Annabelle


    Hear it is, Miss Belle!

    You sleep next to a rabbit

    with a very interesting habit

    of singing to Miss Belle

    until she’s finally all well.

    Usagi sings when you sleep.

    When you wake, she makes no peep.

    Though, rabbits listen well

    to secrets little girls tell.

    Whisper any fears

    into her silky ears,

    and listen for your special tune,

    sung by the rabbit in the moon.



    For Annabelle

    All fun and laughter,

    even with the fever,

    reading to you after

    the poison, the endeavor,

    I love your cranky spirit,

    swinging out in the dark,

    love that coming near it

    so often, between fatigue and spark,

    you bear your parents’ sorrow.

    Life all struggle at four years,

    the crab wound round your cord,

    the nurses who bring you tears

    and promise of distant reward,

    you patiently tell

    politely to go to hell.

    I met you when I

    placed the moon’s rabbit

    at your side.

    Let’s swing out in the dark,

    I in mask and you

    in tiny gown,

    neck blistering.

    Let’s dance with Kelly

    in the rain, and cool

    that neck with water

    from Bethesda’s pool.

    In place of the hug

    we both need and avoid,

    let’s play hide and seek

    with the ray gun

    and the poison,

    while you help me to know

    how the bear finds

    his hat and what the rabbit


  3. Angels Coughing


    Few white cells in sight,

    chemo’s and gamma’s blight,

    here in the cancer spa.

    You think I won’t live,

    so solace must give,

    here in the cancer spa.

    You show a smile off,

    but can kill with a cough,

    here in the cancer spa.

    Please, catch me in a few,

    and spare me a stay in the ICU.

  4. I never tried the stuff, although my friend, Jim, was a connoisseur. The blonde in the first stanza refers to the Moroccan Hash that Jim craved; the blonde in the third stanza is a very good friend named Jay. You have it on the middle stanza--the old man is Japanese. I took the old man's example and just let life roll without benefit of chemical enhancement. I may be the only person who lived through the sixties without getting a buzz.

  5. What competes with Hash? (1967)


    The sex, man, is

    incredible, Jim

    croons to me.

    You’ll really dig

    the blonde.

    Richie, you’re

    so lame, just

    take a draw from the


    With the old man,

    in the garden,

    both on knees,

    where he considers

    in silence

    with a mind clear

    as a diamond

    for a half-hour

    before snipping

    the branch.

    His laughter so

    different than Jim’s.

    The sex, man, is

    incredible, I

    croon to Jim,

    when I really dig

    the blonde,

    drawing from his

    fleshy hookah

    after considering

    him with clear mind

    for a half-hour.

  6. Scratch


    The exam room door opened, and Dr. Thatwhich walked to the foot of the exam table, extending his hand.

    “Good morning. What brings you in today?”

    I shook his hand and extended my forearms to show the deep scratches. I didn’t explain further.

    “My, oh my, how did your get those?” asked the good Doctor, grasping my right arm for a closer look.

    “My pets.”

    “What sort of pets do you have?”

    “A white Siamese named Padma, a hound named Piedough, and a floppy-eared rabbit named Acomma.”

    “A rabbit? How do the cat and the dog get along with the rabbit?”

    “The cat is aloof and ignores the rabbit. I think of Padma as a set of independent claws.”

    “And the dog?”

    “That’s another story. Piedough is bred to hunt, so he’s always trying to chase Acomma, and he’s jealous of the time I spend with the rabbit. Training the hound causes most of these scratches. Unlike the cat, Piedough is more a set of dependent claws. ”

    “I see. What’s your training routine?”

    “I put the rabbit on the floor in front of the cat. Nothing happens. I put the rabbit on the floor in front of the hound and all hell breaks loose. I get scratched when I try to keep Piedough from going after the rabbit.”

    “Well, I think this situation requires a couple of approaches. First I’m going to prescribe Minocycline, an antibiotic. A couple of those scratches look infected. Take one capsule twice a day.”

    “What’s the second approach, Doctor?”

    “My advice is that while you may put Acomma before your independent claws, you should rarely put Acomma before your dependent claws.”

  7. Hué (1969)


    Ty, home in a box.

    They told us about

    the jungle, not

    the concrete

    of Hué City.

    Your last day,

    spent among ruins

    like Berlin in forty-five,

    among sniper’s nests,

    not palms and rice.

    Your sweetness lost,

    no more glances

    in gym class showers

    or wrestling in the dark.

    Flinching at shots

    over your casket,

    I wish, of all things,

    that you could have found

    your way back,

    found your way

    to love.

  8. Timing (1978)


    For Mary

    How’s the dish?

    Did I mention

    my tropical fish?

    Still here? Yes.

    Yes, done to perfection.

    Did I mention

    my Star Wars collection?

    Still here? Yes.

    Fascinating profession.

    Did I mention

    my episode of possession?

    Still here? Yes!

    For me you have a yen?

    Did I mention

    I go down on men?

    Still here? No.

  9. My Son at Three (1978)


    Under the oak,

    on leaf-strewn lawn,

    the boy, solitary,

    bends, forearms

    on thighs, to observe

    some insect or worm.

    The breeze rustles

    hissing leaves.

    The boy, unthinking,

    among friends,

    puts finger to lips,

    and hushes the wind.

  10. John’s Anger (1969)


    You hide your anger,

    your pain, John,

    when her music

    distracts me,

    when you know

    you’ll never be enough,

    when you can’t

    understand why,

    even with you

    deep in my throat,

    my nose into

    smooth flesh,

    she and you

    are both wrapped

    around me.

    I despair at

    your pain, John,

    and your small smile,

    but I hear her

    music always, and

    you hide your anger,

    your pain, John.

  11. I Saw Daddy Blowing Santa Claus

    Happy Christmas from Bi_janus

    I saw Daddy blowing Santa Claus

    Under the mistletoe late last night

    In his concentration he could not have known

    That instead of sugar-plum fairies, I saw Santa blown

    Then I saw Daddy caressing Santa Claus

    A good deal south of his white beard

    I must be dreaming or mistaken

    To see my Daddy and Santa so taken

    I saw Daddy embracing Santa Claus

    and pulling him gently to the floor

    Santa didn’t care or mind in the least

    Leaving milk and cookies for another kind of feast

    I saw Daddy undressing Santa Claus

    Red velvet flying through the air

    Instead of shaking jelly I saw a pack of six

    Nineteen years left me not prepared for these tricks

    I saw Daddy loving Santa Claus

    And then was undone by another revelation

    Hearing Mommy’s voice so husky and so steady

    Telling Daddy to make old St. Nick ready

    I saw . . . well you can imagine with Santa Claus

    And now I’m bewildered and confused

    From time to time I had thought of other boys

    But how I was intrigued at my parents’ choice

    I saw Daddy and Mommy and Santa Claus

    No voyeur, I finally left them to it

    Back abed warm and cozy I mulled over the sight

    And thought, "Happy Christmas to all, and to all bents a good-night!"

  12. Why are you with him?


    Why are you with him?

    Given your history,

    we are confused.

    He’s not bad looking.

    To us the mystery

    fixing us bemused:

    how is he hooking

    your raucous blond heart?

    Why do you stay?

    He’s so quiet.

    We see less play,

    less worry for toys

    in you, less riot.

    You know, he lays

    those pretty boys.

    And, he reads!

  13. You describe the experience of most people of a certain age (and not a few younger). This poem is intended only to describe a real journey and evoke a particular place, more a memento Columbia River Gorge. I am still working on it because the meter in places is defective.

    It is still possible, but not likely, that I'll carry Ann on the trek. I reject the notion that considering death must deny the joy of life. In fact, death and life are sides of the same wonderful journey, each sweetening the other. My evening was not consumed with melancholy and thoughts of death, but with constructing a nice potato soup and a crusty sourdough bread.

    I hope your reunion with the departed is as sweet as you imagine. I'm not sanguine about that possibility for me. And, keep your hands of that extra pie!!!

  14. Riding Tanner Creek

    Mens fortissima sine mens fanatica

    For Ann, maybe the last one

    Crossways with you,

    you, taking a journey

    on which

    I had devoutly hoped

    to carry you,

    you, lugging

    me up, my remnant

    in your pack,

    I, once more

    on your back,

    ferried across

    the roiled water

    of Tanner Creek,

    a lighter burden

    now than ever

    in life.

    Ex cathedrae

    of Nichiren Nuns,

    chanting the world

    into flower, voices reaching

    to as much heaven

    as men permit,

    my ash and gravel,

    blown upward

    by Wahclella’s plunge,

    settle at last,

    mingling with earth ash

    in Tanner Creek.

    From your rooted place

    as you watch me,

    shrouded in foam, making

    a final trek down

    Tanner Creek,

    will your spirit,

    as I devoutly wish,

    race beside me

    on rocky incline,


    into the uncertain world

    we made for you?

  15. My God’s penis is bigger


    By God!

    I hear you think

    Your God, a shower

    Sports a longer penis

    Than my God, a grower

    My God!

    My hairy thunderer

    I beg to differ

    When stiffer has a stunner

    And shames

    Your God’s member

    Measured over or under

    The argument is moot--

    To settle

    This weighty

    Theological toot

    Let’s kill one another

    And babies to boot

    Rather than

    Follow Kenneth’s art

    And eschew the penis

    To favor appeal benign

    To the heart

    More merciful

    Of the Divine

  16. I grew up in a one-parent home with a very loving and caring mother. I was never embarrassed to talk with her about sex, and she was great at keeping appropriate boundaries. When I was nine or ten we had the "talk." Masturbation was okay, in fact fun, and I wouldn't go blind. God had better things to do then worry about me playing with myself.

    She was tactful and never interrupted me, although when I would come out of the bathroom after a leisurely bath, she would occasionally refer to the dangers of drowning. When I eventually talked to her about being attracted to both boys and girls, she told me she thought it an unusual but normal variant. Lest I think that all adults held that point of view, we had a talk about societal attitudes toward homosexuality.

    I played with quite a few friends of both sexes and even some cousins. After all, sharing the good news seemed an obligation. Learning that girls could do it and how they did it was spectacular.

  17. The Boys They Masturbate


    with apologies to e e cummings

    Poor Mom and Dad

    Wonder, stuck in mild confusion

    He thinks the boys not so bad

    She maintains a nice delusion

    The boys they come out faces flushed

    From tiled rooms but can’t be rushed

    The boys they masturbate

    And never don’t or hesitate

    For any time is ripe

    When urges pop of any stripe

    To have a randy bout

    And make themselves turn inside out

    The boys do linger nearly forever

    More time for reading or meditation

    And excuses make always quite clever

    No need for laxative medication

    Dad tells Mom they’ll be all right

    For he remembers that delight

    The boys they masturbate

    And never don’t or hesitate

    For any time is ripe

    When urges pop of any stripe

    To have a randy bout

    And make themselves turn inside out

  18. Ghosts


    for MaNesha McGarrah

    The older ones

    stay in their graves

    or urns or old

    boxes hidden away,

    uncaring that I cared

    and failed.

    The children come,

    resurrected and


    on behalf

    of my need.

    No crying

    or pleading tantrum,


    patience they

    had not in life.

    They remain


    as if, could I reach

    them, unreachable,

    they might

    yet be held by


    I see them beseech

    while receding

    from any reach

    I may manage.

    One by one now

    they come, well


    and pliant, when

    perforce I call, so

    that I may grieve.

  19. Gulf storm


    for John


    of our thirteenth year

    Throned on a seawall

    on the north end

    of Clearwater Beach

    Heating air

    convects clouds

    rising to be sheared

    into anvils

    Rushing at us

    lightning tongues

    seeking water's mouth

    cold air and horizon obscured

    look into its heart, John

    The door opens

    We fly from our perch

    into a maelstrom

    fire tongues caress

    our cores

    nearly rain blasted

    As desert sandstone smoothed

    Joined and

    Washed away

    How calm

    The violence, loving

  20. A Book of Secrets: Illegitimate Daughters, Absent Fathers

    Michael Holroyd's collection of biographical sketches (probably his last biography) is a delightful look at an odd assortment of interesting women connected by the Italian village of Rovello, who never meet. This group includes Alice Keppel, mistress of the Prince of Wales, Eve Fairfax, Auguste Rodin's muse, and Violet Trefusis, Vita Sackville-West's lover. The chapter "Women in Love" is a nice look at women orbiting at the distant edge of the Bloomsbury Group. Tefusis and Sackville-West are one of the most interesting lesbian couples of that age.

    Holroyd is among the best biographers of the late twentieth century. Although illness has slowed his production, this book shines.

  21. Hearing the Poet


    A poem is a sorcery of sound

    reduced to type,

    as old clothing

    fluttering on the drying line.

    I first read Yeats

    when I was ten,

    the cabin made and

    linnet's wings.

    I heard his voice

    when I was seventeen,

    the meter by force,

    chanting the Lake Isle.

    Now, I wish

    every poet's voice,

    chanting his song

    as he chanted in room or mind

    when he conjured its life,

    rippled the air between us.

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