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Posts posted by bi_janus

  1. Finally was able to finish the third chapter. I have told Camy before that I find his prose musical, and these stories were no exception. Reading them was thoroughly diverting and pleasurable.

  2. My grandmother was fond of reminding me, "A day in which you don't piss someone off, isn't a day worth living." Of course, the list of people I want to piss off includes no one here, and my existence is enough to piss some people off, which reduces the effort considerably. I agree with Lug that climate change is amiss.

  3. Ever Present (1978)

    Bi Janus

    For Elwin, Ann, and Justine

    Changing the bed linen

    and then to the laundry room

    as we do after each romp

    They wouldn’t mind the task

    We are too polite

    to avoid the courtesy

    The women are ever present

    something of them even

    in our coupling frenzy

    Their smiles

    and wagging heads

    They both have boys

  4. Quickfire

    Bi Janus

    Cracking open now

    in the evening

    upon the floor,

    a great egg

    shattered under

    its own weight

    What strides

    from the juice,

    shaking off

    all expectation,

    every desire?

    Startling at that

    Late in the day’s




    the fire heated

    beyond love’s joy,

    Beyond fear

    of love’s ceasing,

    whistling into

    a distance

    no witness

    may imagine

  5. My experience is much as Cole's. I recall that recognizing shame in some of my playmates was puzzling. I don't think we feel shame except in the context of disappointing some standard or authority, and Des is right -- where sex is concerned, the standard is usually religious. I am sorry that the feelings of shame or guilt attending young people's expressions of sexuality sometimes persist for such long time.

  6. Heart to Page

    Bi Janus

    Betimes, like a honeycomb

    from which sweet oil

    oozes over the fingers

    with the barest squeeze.

    Other times, as a pit

    from the heart

    of a dry peach, nothing

    though in the fingers’ vise.

  7. Entangled

    Bi Janus

    Edges of the outrushing

    artifice of our past

    (because the past

    is only artifice)

    blur over the shoulder,

    as the outline

    of what fades

    is less

    and less clear

    though it whispers

    ever closer to the ear.

    Your arms rest

    more through me

    than about me.

    Will they pluck

    a heart or a lung

    for safekeeping

    when I pull away

    to a future we resist?

    His arms, legs,

    and that other limb

    we share

    are a harmony attached

    to beauty and soul.

    Three become


  8. The Hand (1991)

    Bi Janus

    Through smoke of fine Havanas,

    the dealer deals two down

    on perfect green felt.

    The Nazarene, in the small blind,

    without pause calls.

    The Burning Bush,

    in the big blind, folds,

    cranky but unconsumed.

    The Bringer of Judgment

    frowns and raises.

    The goat-footed boy

    lowers the pipes and is in.

    The Preserver shrugs

    and mucks his hand.

    The lover of Radha

    bluffs at the pot.

    The Enlightened One, on the button,

    throws chips without looking.

    They all call.

    The dealer is quiet,

    taking them through flop,

    turn, and river.

    A naked boy brings

    a tray of longneck beers.

    Their concupiscent eyes,

    excepting the hooved-one’s,

    betray the Law

    as the dealer smiles.

  9. O-nami

    Bi Janus

    Sea sounds

    confound the ear

    as the snowy mountain

    contours before me

    mimic swelling waves,

    snow into ocean cries,

    residue of heartfelt wonder.

    The voices of the boys

    laughing on the trail

    to the Devil’s Elbow

    raise you from the ash

    crunching under foot.

    Bellies on short boards,

    we nose over swells

    made across the world

    by a storm we shan't see.

    A couple in the evening,

    riding again and again

    toward the eastern shore

    and our clothing,

    we force past the breakers

    westward toward Mexico

    to more gentle undulation,

    and wait side by side

    for a wave to lift us.

    As I turn to catch, dark friend,

    you catch my hand with yours,

    keeping us joined and pointed

    to the disk of the dipping sun,

    every hope and fear

    distilled to shared silence,

    delaying an inevitable journey.

  10. Des,

    I had to let the drugs take control before reflecting on this one. Even princes of the undead suffer embarrassing moments, and tailors are the bane of a well-dressed being. Why are they in the tomb in the first place, except to see a frozen bit of restrained decomposition. Is there anything this poor soul could have become that did not distress his visitors. If only they had conquered fear and greeting the resident.

    On the other hand, I had a wonderful discussion at week's end with a friend about forgiveness, redemption, and karma. The final word of the few we spoke was "entanglement."

    Thanks for giving me a smile and some reflection.

  11. Here's what Jason West, the once and now again mayor of New Palz, NY and who performed gay marriages eight years ago before they were sanctioned in law in NY State, said of the President's announcement. West, who identifies as straight, was voted out of office, ostracized in his community, and unable to find work for a while. He was elected mayor again recently as a member of the Green Party.

    "I'm happy the president finally joined the 21st century and has recognized the civil rights of these Americans. But until he starts pushing for a federal law, the various Gay-Straight Alliances in any high school in the country are doing more to advance the cause than he is. They're the ones in the front lines."

  12. Conversion of the Innocents

    Bi Janus

    For John, who at least died unashamed

    The enervation

    of the Sacred

    does not follow

    from a man

    loving a man.

    Shhh! So little time

    you had in sunlight,

    most in the shadow

    of a father’s unkindness.

    I thought together we would

    give you relief,

    but, no, only brief joy

    overcome by your tears

    while my heart vibrated

    between our baptismal trysts.

    Rather, the impulse

    precedes shame,

    until Fathers

    strike it cold,

    when a boy

    loves a boy.

    Johnno, you thinking

    my walls passing strange,

    as from them, surfer boys

    and Ursula stared,

    while the eyes from yours,

    watching us cavort,

    were above the thorn-wreathed

    Sacred Heart of Jesus.

    You were the one abashed

    when I took your hand

    on the street,

    and you never quite believed,

    even after we mixed it up

    with that fine young girl.

    No Holy Writ

    instructs human love,

    alas excepting Solomon,

    but we might find the way

    if tentative embrace

    is not decried

    by shame.

  13. Camy has been very helpful in reminding me of the deep connection between poetry and song. All of my poems have to do with love (albeit mingled with loss, religion, and death) and not a few with sex. Among my favorite songwriter/poets is Steven Merritt, and one of my favorite Merritt lyrics is the song below, especially the lines:

    "Some of it is just transcendental

    Some of it is just really dumb"

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