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Posts posted by dude

  1. Heh heh... I have been meaning to have y'all over for barbecue and to look around AwesomeDude.com... but considering the distances involved thought I'd show you my home office/studio where I do most of my work and also do the AD website.

    My cats all took one look at me snapping flash pictures and headed elswhere but they are usually lounging all around the place as I work... making editorial comments about your stories...

  2. Excellent, Codey.

    Prodigy? Yeah... I wasn't kidding. But remember that prodigies are people too. And that's what I like most about Codey. He is a talented poet and one hell of a smart kid, but it is the human side of him that gives him the most value in my book.

    He'd be OK with me even if he weren't so talented.


  3. Aw wibby.. you know we mostly post with a black background... except for Tragic Rabbit... and his visually artistic :roll: poems. But here you go.. I've reposted in the original colors you sent.

    And just so everybody knows... it was Write By Myself who talked me out of starting the site on April 1st, 2004. Something about it being an inauspicious date or something.


    And also -for the record- Dog is great... even Roger my cat agrees!

  4. Wow... what have we unleashed here?

    Thirdeye... you must have been "saving it for marriage" and we are definitely on the honeymoon!

    How long have you been at this?

    No matter how long, keep it up!


  5. Attaboy, Aaron!

    The young man made an excellent point in his blog. Two young men who share the same sexual orientation may live next door but never know... at that age gaydar is seldom well developed.

    I grew up in St. Louis County and had the biggest crush on my best school friend. But due to fear of defining myself to another -much less myself- I never acted upon it. I learned ten years later -meeting in New York City- that he had also had a huge crush on me, but that out of the same fear, never told me.

    Oh that we'd have had the Internet and The Mail Crew... how different things might have been.

    Keep up the great work, guys!

  6. Hey... welcome to The Eggman... writer of one of my fay-voh-rite stories... A New Life/Life Goes On and purveyor of the popular site http://www.theglassonion.org just in case you didn't know.

    Eggman, the link to your story dropped off the AwesomeDude home page not long ago as we passed the 60 days since Chapter 7 was posted. Hope those brewskies aren't coming between us and Chapter 8!

    I was a major market DJ during the sixties and know the bass line to just about every tune from early 60's to early 70's. While listening to Sirius Satellite Radio's 60's channel yesterday... I thought of you while playing air bass!

    Welcome to the AwesomeDude Forums!

  7. Fine James...

    If you'll send along your story files... we'll enroll you in the New Writers Series which will tell everybody you would like maximum feedback and constructive crticism...

    And you get the spiffy little NWS logo behind your name... listing on the New Writers Forum page... sorry, the secret decoder rings are on backorder.

    Story files to dude@AwesomeDude.com.

    And thanks to Dewey... but you know we are all family here and I highly recommend his site to all.

  8. For the record... I have received no recommendations that I post the story either from forum members or the author. I would be glad to consider it if that's what you want...

    I can't be everywhere! :p

  9. Gabe... we are still collecting pictures for our great AwesomeDude Picture Match Off. Everyone is to send a picture of him or her self as a kid... we'll take any age... then when I get at least a dozen of them we'll publish them to a page here on AwesomeDude.com with a list of those who sent them.

    The person who gets the most matches between AD Forum members and their childhood pictures (guessing, esp or divine reckoning) will win a DVD of his or her choice.

    Actually, pictures have been coming in rather slowly, probably because digital cameras weren't around when many of us were kids. But it isn't too hard to scan that old snapshot from the family album... so that's the suggested way to do it.


  10. I'm gonna confess... not supposed to have favorites so let me say that Fifteen is among my favorite stories of all we've posted here on AwesomeDude.

    T. Scott writes so well and, like Josh and Joel, crafts erotic fiction so well and with such humor that you can't help but love those naughty boys.

    Keep it up my friend... er, I didn't exactly mean it like that! :clap: :clap:

  11. Hi and welcome Rainbow. Good to have you aboard. You'll have to watch out for our Site Jester, Ben Dover... though. He's been a bit quiet lately, I think he has joined a traveling troupe of "Naked Boys Singing" or something. He's moderator as well of our Limerick Lane forum.

    We are a pretty positive group but sometimes get bogged down in weighty discussions. Your humor or should I say"humour" will be welcome!

  12. I got what you were saying, Passive. Codey's poem was good AND easy to understand. Frankly, when it comes to poems, I usually find them to have more impact when heard rather than read from a page.

    Two of Gabe Duncan's poems which he recorded and sent to me and which are posted in the Poet's Corner in text AND audio, came alive when read in his own voice.

    Codey... how about recording some of your poems? I'd be glad to post the sound files along with the text files in Poets' Corner with Nick & Gabe's (moderators) permission.


  13. Hi Thirdeye... so you write songs. That means you probably sing too. If you have a guitar and can make us a recording we'd be glad to post the file as an audio file to share with your friends here at AwesomeDude.

    Or you can recite it as a poem and send the file to us and we'd be glad to post it along with your song/poem on the Poets' Corner page.

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