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Cole Parker

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Posts posted by Cole Parker

  1. I join others in saying, "Yaaaahhhoooooo!"

    As for bigger and longer, don't get upset, Bruin. Trab's always asking for that.


    PS- I don't remember anything being dedicated to me before. Oh, wait, I think there was a spanking my father so dedicated a century ago, but this is probably going to be different. I'm probably going to LIKE this one.

  2. There of course is a model we can use to see what happens when we allow parents to make choices. We'd like to think they'd be enlightened, both the parents and the choices, but in reality it probably wouldn't work that way.

    In the early 80's, the Red Chinese decided to reduce population growth by enacting a one child only per family policy. The ramifications weren't what they envisioned. Rather that accepting what they got, parents allowed some undesirable children to die so they could have another one and hope for better results. Unfortunately, China, like other Asian countries, has a population that favors sons over daughter, and the result of the policy was that 'undesirable' was often translated to mean girls, and daughters were abandoned in favor of sons.

    Tinkering with our chlidren in utero would very likely also have unforseen results.


  3. Excellent essay, Des. I heartily endorse everything you've said. Well, except maybe for the part about not pointing a finger at certain religions and philosophies. Some of those desperately NEED a finger pointed at them.

    It occurred to me while reading this that nature has a way of correcting things that upset her balance. Like the frogs that change their sex when an imbalance occurs in their population. It made me think that in the olden times, the purpose of life seemed to be to reproduce ourselves, and everything was pointed towards that goal. Today, one of the problems we have, a growing problem, is that there are getting to be too many people here. Some say we already have too many. If this is so, it's a natural imbalance between us and the plantet we live on.

    This makes me think that, if they've now learned to 'correct' homosexuality in the womb, might that not mean they've also learned to induce it, and might saving the world at some point include producing more and more homosexuals in the hopes that the creation of more and more children is abated?

    Maybe this science will in the end be used more as a way of slowing population growth, and instead of erasing homosexuality, will increase it.


  4. I love present tense. It changes the feel of a story, adds immediacy, and is funto read because it's unusual.

    However, it isn't easy to write in present tense. Every time I've tried, I've had to go back several times to clean it up. Your brain just reverts to past automatically, from force of habit probably, and takes you back to past and you don't even notice. I wonder if anyone can write a lengthy piece in present and not have to go back and correct it before it's ready. I sure haven't been able to.


  5. When I was a kid, in books I read

    When characters reddened, t'was often said

    They'd flushed. Remember? T'was said that way

    And rarely they blushed--flushing, they'd say.

    Flushing or blushing, whichever it be

    This guys got a problem it seems to me

    His wee wee got flushed, and now, I trust

    He won't be sleeping around so much.


  6. My interpretation of the Superhero's problem was that what happened at the party screwed him up so badly he couldn't remember what took place. I didn't have much feel for him before the party, but for his character and personality afterwards, thought he'd been seriously discombobulated. I didn't really think he was insane, simply deleteriously affected mentally by the events at the party. That was the way I read him.


  7. We are in a period of transition and I have more than one issue to deal with. Please be patient, but if you have any ideas or other problems please let me know. (Those problems should relate to the AD Forums, I really cannot help with those other somewhat more personal issues.) - DDU

    You're a wicked and evil man, Des. But then, we all knew that!

    I was actually complaining tongue-in-cheek about the log-in problem, and in fact, it only happened for two days. After that, it hasn't recurred. And it isn't that inconvenient to simply log back in.

    But glad you're on top of it. You are on top, aren't you?

    See, two can play that game!


  8. I've had to log in several times now where the computer should have remembered me. I will bashfullly admit to a certain degree of being unmemorable, but I'd hoped things might have been better with a computer than with people. Evidently not. Very disappointing.


  9. Just proves that you artists don't know how to evaluate your own work.

    Art is subjective. People see and appreciate things the creators were often unaware of or that were unintended.

    Just be happy you wrote something that pleased others. That's a very worthwhile accomlishment.


  10. WBMS:

    Your writing is so enthralling, Wib, that any place you stop becomes an automatic cliffhanger.

    Now that that's settled, I've got some great penny stocks I'd like to unload, er, I mean, that are a great value that I'll sell you just because I admire your writing so much.


  11. If you really don't want two points of view, and I can appreciate that, you're sort of left with writing it in thrird person. I just recently had to convert a first person chapter to third, and it was a trial, but a great learning experience, too. You probably should consider that.

    Many books are written in limited thrid person with the thoughts of only one of the characters specified. But many are in universal third, also, and you could try that. Or, you could extend the limited third POV from one person to two.

    You might try making that change for a few pages and see what it looks like.


  12. It's a good question but difficult to answer. It depends on so many things.

    One of the things that people seem to consider when writing a serialized novel for posting on the Internet is chapter length. Many published novels have chapters of all different lengths, sometimes only a page, sometimes thirty-five pages. The author simply ends one where it feels appropriate to do so, no matter the length. When we're writing on the Net, readers expect chapters they've been waiting for to be of a length that satisfies them till the next one comes out. I've found that if I write chapters of less than, say, 3500 words, I hear about it, sometimes nastily. I'm sure I'd make chapter breaks in much different places if I were writing for publication.

    But there's no real right or wrong for this. What feels right for your story probably is right.


  13. I read something a couple of messages ago and am too lazy to go back and look who wrote it, but it said or asked something about is one gay if he only loves one person, one male person?

    That's interesting, isn't it? Is a person heterosexual is he loves one woman and isn't attracted to others? I've always heard it said a man was heterosexual if he loved members of the other sex. If a man was attracted to women, and loved women, he was straight. Is it the same with gay men, that they are gay only if they love and are attracted to other men, not man?

    This whole labelling thing has always concerned me. I think many of us don't fit exactly with what the labels are supposed to tell us. It's like stereotyping. One doesn't fit all. Everyone is a unique individual with personalitiy traits that differ. It may be more convenient to say we're gay, or straight if that fits, but I think it's frequently true that the label has flaws. I think it's better to say that than to say the person has flaws if he doesn't fit the label.

    What an interesting and deep topic.


  14. Let's pretend for one moment I am 100% straight (or 100% gay if it makes you happy). I go through life loving people of one gender in a Eros sort of fashion. One day I meet someone who's so perfect I think they're "the one" only that person happens to be the same sex. Does that mean I turned gay? No. I think that's horseshit. I think if you're honest with yourself you're primarily Gay/Straight and maybe now and again someone of the other persuasion just has what you need to complete you.

    It's hard to pick who you love. Love happens. It's not created. In fact, I see a story there.

    When you write this story, perhaps, if you're honest, the person that represents 'you' in the story, the one who discovers someone of the same sex that attracts 'you', turns 'you' on, fulfills 'your' needs, completes 'you', will do what so many people do. He will go with the values his upbringing has inculcated him with, the values that are so strongly supported by most elements of the society he lives in, and reject that possible love and completion. He'll just move on, denying himself the chance for that once-in-a-lifetime relationship, because it's just so much easier to ingore his attraction as wrong for him.

    Isn't that what usually happens?

    I certainly accept your premise, that most anyone can be attracted to most anyone else. But after that initial attraction, that's when all the other garbage society throws at us takes over.


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