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Posts posted by Insomniac

  1. TR, I believe I what I was trying to do was make a comment towards the view of 'What is gay' rather than say I'm not a stereotype. I can also see where you might believe that I am one of those self proclaimed "straight-acting" gays.

    I like cars and anything automotive, I love to drive agressively, I love guns and shooting guns, I serve in the military and enjoy crawling around in the dirt playing war, and I am definitely the first one out of my friends to throw down if there ever presents an opprotunity. While I tend to do alot of "manly" things, I do them becuase they are me and not because of any fear or reservation that I have. The way I present myself and act also reflect this. In other reguards I also like to dress in designer clothers (yes A&F and Hollister :blush: ) and take good care of myself physically.

    Ask anyone who knows me to describe me and I can promise you all that they'd say is, "He's just Nick." It took alot of sleepless nights and soul-searching for me to figure out that I can't change who I am or what I like and just go with it. What you see is what you get with me :icon_twisted:

    I have also made a conscious attempt to try not to judge someone on effeminate behavior alone. I think it is natural to find effeminate behavior as flaunting and becuase of that want to almost hate it, but if someone is truly that way and not simply acting out for attention then what right do I have to judge them differently becuase of it?

    If I can find a seperate thread on this topic in the (sober) morning I'll comment more. You are completely right though TR and I'm more or less agreeing with you.


    I've seen the pics. The push-ups helped. :wink:

    :blink: , did I tell you about the time that I had to stand at attention for 4 hours why everyone else got to sleep? Well I slept standing up but they got to sleep in their beds. Then there was the time in my job training school where I got wasted when I wasn't suppose to and threw up all over the Drill Sarge's desk. He was in the middle of yelling at me and then was like, "Fuck it! Hey private come take your battle to bed". :blink:

  3. It's the coon-killah. :lol:

    The coon-butcha!

    The coon-erm-

    It's the killer Gopher! :lol:


    Oh yeah... I pray that the certain goat never takes off his sunglasses... or it might just be the End of the World Part IV.

    Sweet, I carried the M249 aka SAW (Squad Assault Weapon) in Basic. I only ever got to shoot blanks out of it, but one time I got yelled at for standing up and firing from the hip a la-Rambo style 50cal.gif. Drill Sarge said I would never hit chit doing that drillsergeant.gif, but then he got really mad when I told him I made up for it in cool points 2gun.gif. He made me do pushups. I did lots of pushups in Basic :hehe:

  4. Hey!!! :hehe:

    I just noticed. We joined at the same day! LOL :lol:

    November 9 2007! :lol:

    P.S. Did I mention that the Sunburnt Aussie was SIZZLING H - oh yeah, I did. :lol:

    Wow, that's funny.

    And yea, good thing he burned his back and not his face. At first glance I thought he was a model in an ad or something. I wonder if he needs any help putting lotion on his back :lol:

  5. There are certainly a lot of filipino illegals. But not as much as mexicans, cubans, etc. :P

    Uhm... How exactly would they do that? LOL. I can only speak for filipino illegals, though I don't know any personally, I've seen documentaries about their lives. They are called 'TNT's which is an acronym for 'Tago ng Tago' (Filipino for "Always Hiding"). And I can say their lives are far from being the easy, tax-free, freedom you imagine it to be. They are wretched.

    LOL. You were speaking of taxing someone who in most cases work for a pittance of what a legal resident gets.

    1) Employers take advantage of their illegal alien status (and in some cases, inability to speak english) to reduce them to the lowest possible salary. Some even to slavery.

    2) They can't ask help from the police/social welfare/etc. for protection/food/shelter/medicine. They'll just get deported. That means no hospitals/education/marriage/homeless shelters. etc.

    3) They're also working to feed a family back home, and not for themselves alone.

    America was originally a nation of immigrants.

    "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door."

    I find it really sad that the US, one of the world's richest countries, exists border-to-border with one of the poorest - Mexico. :icon10:

    I understand that the US has no obligation to help other countries, and that they are facing terrorist/drug threats. But... oh... i don't know.... America's xenophobia is simply adding more to the gradually mounting hostility against the US you know. :icon_tongue:

    Sorry. I'm ranting. ^^

    America may be the richest country but I sure as hell won't see anything near as nice as some will. I work hard for my paycheck and believe it or not my taxes go to all that reside in the country, not just the 'legal' citizens. You mention of greedy employers turning immigrants into slaves if they were 'taxed', but what is the difference now other than they would gain the rights any other citizen would (voting, bear arms, etc).

    My references to the abuse of the welware system refers to legal citizens of both majority and minority who abuse the system and break laws just to skate easy through life.

    And you are completely right, America does not have any obligation to help any other country. We worked hard to build what we have now and it amazes me that other people expect us to just give away what we worked hard for.

    Take, for example, a peasant farming community. One farmer works his tail off and creates a new farming method that makes him substantially more money than his fellow farmers. We'll just say that the other farmer's are lazy or have no dedication. Now that he has money the other farmers in the community resent him for it and expect him to give them handouts even though he worked hard for it and they did nothing. If you want to talk about compassionately helped others in need and doing what some would call the 'Christian' thing I'm all for it, but only if I seek to and they don't expect it. It is my human right to be a greedy A-hole if I so wish to be as long as I earned my keep fair and square.

  6. In all fairness, how could the illegal immigrants do anything BUT work under that table? If they wanted to pay taxes, they couldn't do so without immediately being charged and removed. When I graduated from high school, the Superintendent of the school district pointed out something which I've always remembered, and that is that when you pay your taxes, you are paying for the education you have already received. In other words, it's not that illegal immigrants are not paying for their children's education, no-one is. You pay it back yourself, later. As for taking advantage of public transportation, don't we just wish that more citizens did that, instead of driving their SUVs and leaving 'green' behaviour to the illegals. Last I heard, hospitals in the USA are private money grabs and not public endeavors which are free for all.

    I don't even know why the whole discussion went to illegal immigration anyway. I guess it was just a thread highjack.

    To be honest, my biggest concern with ANY immigration is accepting people who haven't grown up under 'the rule of law' and have lived in a 'survival of the strongest and meanest' type of society. They come here, and totally do not care about any of our laws, take what they want, and laugh at our courts. Those are the real problem makers, not the people who are just eeking out a minimal living, whether illegally in the country or not.

    I love how you pick apart details Bart, I think you were a lawyer in a prior life :icon_tongue: . And I agree whole-heartedly about the trouble makers, they pose a true problem within our societies. I do realise they can only work under the table, but that is why they should make it easier to become legit and have extremely stiff penalities for those who are not.

  7. Interesting view, Trab. And yes, it does seem to be the case. Filipinos abroad are very industrious, which is why I was puzzled why they don't work as hard here in the Philippines.

    Mind you, most overseas filipino workers often work on minimal pay in the country they are working on, but it's still waaaay better than whatever they would have received in the Philippines. Plus the fact that they are more often than not, sending back at least 50% of their salary to families back home. They are literally bearing on their shoulders the future of their family.

    They don't shy away from menial labor either. Engineers here becoming carpenters abroad, Doctors here becoming nurses abroad, that sort of thing. Stepping down the profession ladder, and still getting better pay abroad. *sigh* It's no wonder that 90% or more (I believe) of filipinos want to leave the country (including me. :icon10: I want to help my parents and find a BF! :icon4: ) Our government had been nothing a succession of corrupt, self-serving, dynasty-building thieves ever since Marcos tried to institute a dictatorship. It's fascinating actually, that once, the Philippines was the leading country in Southeast Asia. We had the first airlines, we were a democracy, a charming spanish-asian culture, educated, etc. It all went *poof* Even Vietnam has better living standards than us, and they've just been through a war. We're still carving our way back up. That's why I LOATHE politicians. :raccoon:

    Case to point, I asked a fellow 3d artist/coder recently who recently started working for Hewlett-Packard as a tester for printer software what his salary was. He complained that it barely paid his bills at $16 per hour.

    I was shocked. :raccoon: $16 per HOUR?! I know that also may seem a trifling amount to you. But $16 is about 800 Pesos. He earns the average filipino MONTHLY salary in a single DAY. :icon_tongue:

    It's nice to learn we have a good reputation abroad. :raccoon: There're still stories of discrimination, but it isn't that bad anymore.

    I can understand why illegal immigrants come to America, but I certainly don't agree with it. Most illegals work under the table and do not get taxed, yet take advantage of school systems for their kids, public transportation, hospitals, etc., which are all paid for by tax money. That being said I don't have any problem with immigrants who come into the country legally and work hard for a living. I see way too many immigrant and second generation immigrants who have subsidised incomes and leech off of our welware systems that are there to help hard working, tax paying Americans when they need it. What is really sad is the politicians who support this. The govenor of Massachusetts is trying to pass a bill that would give free college tuition to illegal aliens. I thought they were breaking the law by being here without the proper authority and now they're gonna get free college classes?? I say give them citizenship or at least green cards and tax them for their menial labor work. Take a smaller portion or whatever, but chances are they're still gonna make more than back home. Too bad logical thinking doesn't have a place in the political world :raccoon:

  8. "We must stop them as they seek to terrorize the masses by fornicating with out pets!"

    At first I thought this was a typo, and that it was supposed to be OUR pets, but then I realized it was truly meant for pets OUT of the closet.

    What can I say, even gay pets need 'Teh Butt-Secks' :icon_tongue:

  9. Spoiler Alert (read chapter 21 first):

    Originally posted by Altimexis: Matt is still in evolution. Knowing how Cole thinks, I still wouldn't put it past him to have him turn out straight (see Josh Evolving for an example of this), but I think we're getting very close to Matt accepting he's gay, if he hasn't already, and recognizing that the only one he'll fool in trying to put a lid on his feelings for Kevin is himself. So enter Timothy in chapter 18. I really thought we'd see Matt get jealous of Tim in chapter 19, but Cole never takes a straight path to his objectives, which is one of the things I love about his writing, frustrating though it may be. :lol: I'm still expecting jealousy to be the motivating force that pushes Matt into accepting his growing love of Kevin, but we shall see.

    A little early but you did call it.

  10. OP is the orignial poster and you put on a flame-suit when you know people are going to "flame" you.

    TTIWWOP translates to: This thread is worthless without pics.

    If you know a thread is going to be locked by a moderator you post something like, "In before the lock".

    A JAMBOG is a topic that has been posted for the millionth time.

    And there are also a million funny pictures for spefic forum happenings, like when someone tries to post a picture but fails to and all you see is a red "X" then you post a picture like this:




  11. Today is Thursday. Dude puts up Saturday's adventure usually late on Friday. So it'll go up tomorrow, which is damned close to immediately.

    I don't remember if Matt comes across as a drama queen in the next chapter, but believe he doesn't. Of course, that won't be sufficient to convince SOME people he isn't a DQ.

    Side note: that stands for Dairy Queen in the Eastern part of this fine country. Or it did when I lived there. I think the only beverage Matt quaffs in this tale is Dr Pepper, and I don't remember him eating soft-serve ice cream--called frozen custard when I was a sprout--either, so at least that appelation shouldn't fit.

    Glad to see the cuddly 'coon is on my side, where he belongs. Welcome aboard.


    Their Peanut Butter Cup and Oreo Blizzards are the work of the Devil. I swear I can turn down any other kind of junk food but those. It doesn't help that there is one located in my mall that is open year-round either.

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