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Posts posted by TracyMN

  1. LOL, thanks, Blue, I was of course, horrified, and only just now returned to find all my Knights come and gone from my rescue...thanks to all who here, and elsewhere offered instruction, links, and further information (whoohoo! Book 4); and to CP, master of wit, understatement, and the obvious, for making it all possible.

    (Is that food they're throwing?Oh, dear...)

    Most of all, thanks for allowing that I might be on to something with DGC. Because there are only so many hours in a day, I'm inclined to think those of you with two "jobs" already deserve equal credit for intention.


  2. A three book series, the first of which is free, all available on Amazon.com.

    (The following two paragraphs are from book one, the disclaimer is for the addy and the other, from the "about DGC" section at the back, is what I imagine an introduction might be if I had a clue about such things...

    Contents of this ebook were serialized online at Daron’s Guitar Chronicles (http://daron.ceciliatan.com) between November 2009 and February 2010.

    Daron’s Guitar Chronicles is by Cecilia Tan, the author of many books and short stories. She first began writing about him when she was 16 years old, in high school in suburban New Jersey in the early 1980s. Fragments of stories came and went, and Daron figured in several short stories she wrote for classes in college, though never as the central character. It seemed for many years like Daron’s story was being told to her by the characters all around him. It wasn’t until 1992, in graduate school for a masters degree in writing, that she buckled down and started writing from his point of view.


    The story very quickly speaks for itself, and the spirit of this particular forum is tailor-made for finds like DGC.

    A period of impatience, not overly long but long enough, regarding a particular aspect in the latter part of book two was the only negative in an otherwise delightful experience.


  3. Why on earth would I trade one minute of the single-most perfect joy of my whole life, reading, which now affords me the second, talking about what I think, feel, understand and want -to a captive audience no less, for what is probably be the most thankless job in the universe and an opportunity to experience, up close and personal, the collective mind that equates pathology with entertainment and other peoples misfortune as a sign of their success?

    When I want to torture Cole, I just start talking...


  4. Seeing "Capitalism" in a subject line is like Christmas for me, and there is always hope in my heart that inside there will be another fanatic who can connect those devils to every evil under the sun. As long as there's a Santa, there's hope.

    What better to illustrate the form, function, application, operation, and impact of Capitalism than the horses it rides in on? And there will always be one brand that serves the particular purpose best--Charmin is my TP representative, for reasons almost identical to those that make it America's favorite and for that fact as well.

    Certainly a gentleman's rant, Chris, think a girl could learn to to that? <g>


  5. Yes, it's the "see full list" which is not missing on my screen, but when I click it I get the error message that says "You are not allowed..." I'm not sure what page I was on.

    Nice to see you both. And Mike, your hair looks fine.


  6. I can't view the full list of who's on and what they're doing. Having just discovered this feature, I'm not inclined to let being a dork, again, keep me from it.


    p.s. all of a sudden I can start a new paragraph? I didn't do anything different here than I did on the other thread, where my whole post was a run-on.

  7. I don't know how to use the new format, so words in odd order or hanging out by themselves are the result of a keystroke I expected to do something else. I was going to say...this site has the potential to make a go of such a venture both interms of authors and audience, but I'd have said GO! no matter what. The future is becoming apparent reality before our eyes, the future we envisioned and the willingness to put a stake in it is something I would support in every way possible. And none to quietly either. Tracy Why can't I start a new paragraph? Those two words below were my first attempt at backspacing, I think.

    You have

  8. The drudgery of combing through tangled sentences and attempting to figure out what the heck they're supposed to say before gently telling me that they're completely unreadable mush and I might consider re-doing the whole paragraph. Or chapter.

    OK, Pinocchio.


  9. I'm pretty sure EVERY bridge in Minnesota is been either replaced or repaired, in typical American knee-jerk response style. A look we wear all too well, IMO. :cat:

    It is, indeed, an excellent assessment, DK. As always with this crowd, it pays to be late. Any point worth making has likely been, and well; and here at least, its own or the sake of argument is reason enough. It's all I can do not to choke on the obvious much of the time; to breathe in the presence of certain things almost feels like a gift.

    LOL, "feels like" is reason enough for a thank-you in my world. Here's mine, to all. :wav:

    Nice to see you Chris, whether you're news or just news to me. Well, news here. Your work, of course, is not.


    p.s. Sacrifice our involvement in the affairs of others to save 10 billion a month? The illusion of control is priceless! :rolleyes:

  10. Hello Kuinut:

    There's two ways to look at everything, I guess.

    But if you apologize for what I took to mean that you read it before it was finished, and were absent when the final chapter appeared, I want to first run to your rescue, and then show you the sign that says "Don't encourage them..."

    But you got your answer, and you came to the right place for that. Hello All :cat:


  11. So, there is good news out of Minnesota...I'd almost forgotten.

    I had to read the ballot question over a couple times to understand that a yes vote would support a BAN on gay marriage; I can only hope the other voters in MN are not so easily confused.

    I tend to think of amendments in terms of something already there, of changes as granting further freedoms. Where ever I got the impression, it does not apply to the current environment where the trend is away from the very principle of America, the one spouted across the world as what makes America great.

    Go figure...


  12. I didn't see that coming, Cole, which is, along with not having to wait, what I love about Flash Fiction. All the fun of a good "prank", without humiliation.

    I have to agree that the idea is exceptionally well-suited to the task, and recognition of such things amidst the barrage of daily living must share some portion of the overall credit of a good idea put to good use by capable hands.

    But well-substantiated claims of comparative safety aside, for mitigation of this particular risk alone to contribute at all to actual security or in any measure to your sense of it, there would have to first be mitigation of the factors responsible for virtually all but 3 of the total number of incidents who's causes form the basis of the risk that our fear and need for security are born of.

    Pec's conclusion is to my mind, the only reasonable one, and for all it's potential gratification, that groping is one small part of an overall costly knee-jerk response, who's only hope for effectiveness would be in its pandering to a desire for immediate relief from the concerns that accompany the conveniences we scramble after like candy spilling from a pinata.

    If this is a high-jacking, and I'm not saying it is, it is not without defense.

    The door was open. :icon_geek:

    If it was a set-up of sorts, I was certainly born to it. Never underestimate the power of Flash Fiction to spark the imagination, or an author to incite a riot.


  13. 42,000 gallons in half an hour?! Even with nothing to compare it to, it is a horrendous, heartbreaking thought. Is it too much to hope they will be forced to pay what they consider "too much" of the fraction of the cost that is measurable in dollars this time?

    I am once again, stunned if not surprised.

    Thanks for putting the news in my path E.J., and for the link.


  14. All fingernails gone. Am starting to chew on an old wiring harness from a Toyota.

    This one had me ROTFLMAO :hug:

    As for telling, James, it's hard not to if it's all you can think about. Haven't decided if it's ever helped me or not. I think you have to care what people think for that to work in your favor...

    You do your best, that's all we can ask of ourselves unless we want any lasting peace in our lives... I'm all for a play-by-play, if day one is any indication, it will get better (funnier) before it gets worse (the other side of funny).

    For us, that is.

    For you:



  15. So this is what the ruckus is all about! I should have known, this story has me clapping my hands, and laughing out loud almost every time Wolcott opens his mouth. Poor Daniel, such a perfect vehicle for his wit...

    I'd like to join the VW parade, sadly without a VW Bug, because I love the old Bugs too, and Minnesota winters ate them like M&M's...I had I think 5 of them, the first (and second) I paid $150 for, and the most expensive was a VW convertible I bought for $500 from a co-worker, a rather large man, who had to sell her because the seat was threatening to go through the floor...looking back, I'd say the best thing about those cars, next to driving them, was that when something was wrong, you called your VW mechanic, who invariably was one of your best friends, and took it over--no need to worry about the repair bill--after all, how much could it be?

    Simply a joy to own, and to drive. Much as...Wayward Son is to read. And at the rate I'm reading these days, I should have little, if any, wait at all! Bitchin'!! :icon_cat:


  16. Thank you Colin, I'm glad most of all, but there is an unavoidable bit of relief whenever one sides against caution. :wave:

    I was able to witness firsthand the further impact of this video when describing it to Rick brought out aspects that were absorbed below the level of conscious attention that accompanies visual experience. It's illustration of isolation, imposed secrecy and subsequent fear of exposure, and the very real consequences of the realization of those fears made their own individual impressions that are a full partner to the need for and act of Standing Up, for ourselves and especially for each other; defining differences gives the illusion of separation and by alienating others, we isolate ourselves. The idea that we are

    alone in anything is perhaps the biggest lie of all.

    That it was all done without words brought me to once again to tears, because as much as I regard the ability of language to bridge the gaps in our understanding of each other, it is what we are that binds us and there are no words for that.

    Thanks again, DearHeart, there is so much more than talk happening here. :icon_geek:


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