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Gee Whillickers

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Everything posted by Gee Whillickers

  1. Reading this thread caused me to *ahem* "procure" a copy of the Billy Elliot movie, which I haven't seen for probably ten years or whenever it first came out. I forgot how wonderful a movie that was. Now I really need to see a stage version. Unfortunately, I don't think it's going to be around here, so that will likely have to wait a while.
  2. So an ad for the horrid and disgusting cult of Scientology airs, then the power goes out in the stadium. Coincidence? I think not...
  3. ...and how on earth do they have time to zamboni the field during halftime with all that singing and dancing??
  4. Well. Apparently the NFL head office didn't get my text. This isn't quite going as I planned.
  5. So is anybody watching that little American Armoured-Stop-Rugby sporting competition this afternoon? 49'ers by 10.
  6. This is just an excellent story. One of my favorite kind of stories, one which leaves you thinking, wondering, and feeling. One which you leaves you wanting more but satisfied with what you got. Just excellent!
  7. Oh wow. I didn't know Elton was a Freethinker fan! Makes sense, though. I should've known.
  8. Can anyone here even imagine this scene playing out today in almost any country? That poor kid would be on the ground with tasers in his chest and pepper spray in his eyes in about two seconds. And no whining about police brutality, the kid obviously had it coming.
  9. http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2013/01/18/newly-hired-school-guard-leaves-unattended-handgun-in-student-bathroom/
  10. I've started work on the nifty gay/youth-machine category version. It's gonna be hot!
  11. Hey don't blame me! It's been real cold in many parts of the Great White North, but in my area it hit a high today of a balmy 10 C, which works out to somewhere around 50 F. Of course, we have to enjoy it while it lasts. It'll be back to below zero before we know it.
  12. Very true. Even in Vancouver, BC, many of the houses are poorly insulated and most have baseboard electric heat instead of NG furnaces. Makes it tough every year when they inevitably get a short cold snap below freezing. As for "warm and insulated houses" I guess you haven't been to my drafty old claptrap. Sigh. Eventually, when I win the lotto, I need to do something about that. People bring their BBQ's inside? It's like when an ice-storm knocks out the power for more than a few hours and people start using their wood-burning "decorative coded" fireplaces to try and heat their houses. A disaster waiting to happen. Finally, "your" instead of "you're" Cole? Your...I mean you're...slipping.
  13. Very true. It's all relative. The really funny thing is seeing the teens going to school the first morning after it warms up to just above freezing. A small but noticeable percentage of them are out there in nothing but t-shirts. I mean, I get it, I really do. But c'mon. It's the freezing point of water. We're mostly made of water. It's a bit risky, all for the sake of showing how coolly immune you are to the air temperature outside.
  14. I saw the exact commercial just a couple of days ago too. Even more interesting was the conversation I had with the young teen who happened to be watching the TV at the same time. His first reaction was, "Wow, that'd be awesome. I wouldn't have to get up and walk through the snow to school in the morning." I asked him if he wouldn't miss spending time with everybody at school. He responded that he wouldn't, because he'd just talk to them through the robot thing. I asked him if he thought it would be the same. He seemed to think about this for a few seconds, then shrugged, and finally admitted, "Maybe not." That was the end of it, but I think I got him thinking a bit about the importance of face to face interaction, despite all our electronics. Especially with that age group. And I agree. This is absolutely great fodder for a story. I too am stalled on a couple of stories for a while, but I may fool around a bit with this premise.
  15. Coming to the party late, but it's amusing reading about 36 F being cold. It was well below zero fahrenheit the last few weeks here. It's warmed up the last couple of days. Right up to a hair above freezing. Seeing everyone outside in hoodies and light jackets was refreshing.
  16. Isn't that what we all want and hope, those of use that write and release stories into the wild? That wish that there might, if all the stars line up correctly, be some kind of meaningful impact for the people reading them.
  17. I can completely understand your feelings about sequels. However, this story does give a lot of story room for more. What happens with their relationship in the new and demanding environment of the school and the city? What challenges do the three year difference in their ages bring, given their differing needs? What about all the temptations and opportunity (good and bad) of living in 70's New York City? What happens when Benji comes to visit? What happens when AIDS begins to rear its ugly head? How does that affect our characters and their behaviour? So many wonderful possibilities....
  18. ...and I'll blame it on the machine showing the results. Yes, here it is, post holiday time. I knew I shouldn't do it, but I was tempted the way a scab tempts you to peel it off even though you know it will bleed. Yes, folks. After my shower, I *sob*, I stepped on the scale. The travesty! The horror! The groaning and squeaks of springs and gears that seemed like they'd never stop spinning! The wide eyes as I looked at the number, thinking, "That can't be right! Can it?" And here I just thought my pants must've shrunk in the wash. Sigh.
  19. The thing with Dabeagle's stories is how they always draw me in, make me feel like I can see the scene, feel what the characters are feeling, and completely relate to what they're going through. Another excellent story, bravo and well done.
  20. Just an absolutely great story. As usual, I waited until the last chapter was posted before I started reading, so I could read it through without waiting for the next chapters. I already sent an email, but I wanted to add to everything that has already been said here, excellent story, excellent characterization, and wonderful writing. As someone who has never had the least interest in ballet you now have me wanting to go and see a performance. Well done. Thanks
  21. No matter if or what you celebrate at this time of year, I'd just like to extend my warmest greetings and regards from the Gee Whillickers clan to all readers and authors (okay, okay, and even website owners) here in our little corner of the internet. I truly hope everybody out there has a great holiday season, and is able to spend it with those they care most about. Stay warm (or cool, depending on where you live), ensure you eat far too much, raise a glass in good cheer, and hug your loved ones. Happy Holidays everyone!
  22. A very nice Christmas present indeed. I have so much reading to catch up on, at this site and others, but I'm glad I sat down and read this one before Christmas. Very well done. Heartwarming and thoroughly pleasant. Thanks Cole.
  23. This was a joke. Parody that got picked up as a real news item by a couple of idiot editors and away it went. It's not true.
  24. Okay, now I feel a bit foolish. I promise, I didn't plagarize or steal the idea. I don't know how I missed this one, but somehow I did. Let's just chalk it up to great minds thinking alike. Blushingly, Gee
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