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Something for all to listen to.

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It has been a tradition for almost thirty years for the entire staff of NPR News (the American radio equivalent of the BBC) on July 4 to read the Declaration of Independence. I doubt most Americans have ever read it, let alone listened to it and it might be instructive and valuable, especially in these times, to listen to the recitation of reasons why Jefferson, Adams, and the rest of the Continental Congress chose to cut ties with King George III. Notice that the fault is placed on the Crown and not the people of Great Britain. It might also be helpful for our British friends to listen, not as a reminder of past conflict and disagreement, but rather as provoking thought concerning your current government and actions they may be taking which are injurious to the dignity of you, a great and free people. Our Aussie friends, too, may wish to listen and then think about the Coalition and its treatment of refugees, indigenous peoples  and your population in general. Never before in the United States has it been as important as it is now for our own people to remember the reasons we chose to cut ties with a King who did not respect our rights and our dignity as free people, and look at our government.

I am grateful, however, that we have moved on from the reference to "the merciless Indian savages." 


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With regard to those "merciless Indian savages", the last surrender of the Confederate land forces, some two and a half months after Lee's surrender at Appomattox, was Native American forces under the command of the Cherokee Stand Watie.

As some have said, the American Civil War was fought over a verb:

The United States IS, or, The United States ARE.

Happy Fourth, all.

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