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Sky's the Limit - Chapter 6

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Things are getting hotter! Let me know what you guys think.

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Another great chapter. Not a lot of action, but a lot of tenderness. We also learned more about both dads. And the relationship between Jonah and Sky has developed to a new level. Nice to have a breather after chapter 5!

Colin :icon6:

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Things are getting hotter! Let me know what you guys think. Thanks for reading,

First, I apologize. I just now got around to reading your story through to chapter six. I'm backed up. I am really enjoying it a lot, and like the characters. A bit much sex for my tastes but I really like the way it's developing and can't wait for more.

Nice work.

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Thank Guys!

Yeah, there's a lot of sex in these first few chapters, but it's kinda the point of this part of the story. Both these kids fall deeply in love and express it physically. It's bonding time, and after all, it is first and foremost a love story. It's a love story between two deeply closeted gay teen boys and the problems and challenges that presents. Many twists and turns are ahead for these two though. That's all I'm gonna say. :icon6:

Thanks for reading guys. I really appreciate the comments. :smile:


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