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What's New in Codey's World - 2007-08-12


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Hi Everyone,

NEW this week 08/12 at Codey's World

We have been very busy behind the scenes, planning for a major redesign of Codey?s World. We and a few authors have had some unavoidable delays, but we will have things out during this week and by next weekend, as time permits.

Coming This Week:

The Chronicles of Kadin ~ Chapter 17 ~ by Rick S.

Coming Next Saturday:

Heart of the Tree ~ Chapter 25 ~ By Graeme


View From The Hill ~ a brand new Poem by Codey

Coming Soon:

Noah ~ Chapter 6 ~ by Harrod200

We will have a story from TaronW in coming weeks, plus stories from one or more prospective authors.


Please Note: Soon, we will be combining the Authors, Stories, and Sound Stories index pages and greatly simplifying the index. The text and audio files will each be directly reachable from the upcoming index, as well as from each author's page, story or poem indexes, and individual story or poem pages.

Check It Out

Plus, see our Codey's World ~ Home page, and our Authors, Stories, Sound Stories, and Links and Resources pages.

If you are used to seeing our home.html page, please note we've merged it into Codey?s World

Submissions Welcome

We accept story and poem submissions any time at webguys@codeysworld.com

Codey's World

...One boy's dream

webguys@codeysworld.com ~ Email Codey's World

Codey ~ Poet and Author

Blue ~ Editor and Designer

Colin ~ Asst. Webmaster

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