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News & Views - June 15, 2008


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Hi Gang....

Wow... 113 degrees outside.... what a day in the California desert!

Let's get right to the new stuff.... I am particularly impressed by one of our steadiest and most versatile authors, from Melbourne.... no not Florida... Australia.

Bushfire by Greaeme is now atop our 20 Newest Short Stories list... and I highly recommend it.

Some good news and some bad news from Sequoyah. The good is that Chapter 46 of Saga of the Elizabethton Tarheels is now posted... the bad news is that it looks like the story is going to take a hiatus as it's author works on overcoming some health problems. Full details are posted on the SET title page just after Chapter 46... and labelled Special Message or you can click the link.

Sequoyah has been with us since day one of AwesomeDude and I've read every word he's written and enjoyed them immensely. We all hope he'll overcome this current problem and return to the story soon.

Other story updates....

Love in a Chair by Altimexis - Chapter 27 has been posted and

Splash in The Pool by Jack Scribe - Chapter 16 is online.

Both these stories are posted to twice a week, on Saturdays and Wednesdays.

Some stuff to come:

New stories by both "A" and by Rick Beck will be here next week at this time. They're in house.. just need a bit of production work by me and they'll be ready.

Don't see an update from some of your favorite authors in the list this week? .. well write to them. There are lots of things competing for their time and attention this time of year... and your writing and encouraging them might be just the thing. Remember, our authors are not paid for their talent, blood sweat & tears. Your comments and encouragement is all they receive.

Let me thank everybody who writes to me showing appreciation for keeping AwesomeDude going and even the nice emails we've been getting about AwesomeDude Radio as well! Thanks everybody.

Well that's about it. Have a great week of reading... and see y'all next week.

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