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I bloom at your rest

You wont see the beauty come out of me

I thought on your own

You could handle my blossom

I watch as the night sky is fading

You didnt seem to sleep peacefully

Cant you tell my beauty

Im a vespertine

Cant you see my beauty

I wanted to watch you sleep again

Quiet and peacefully

I wanted the kiss of your lips

And Im tired of waiting for what I

Deserve or do I

A kiss from whom I watch

Every night

I fall for lust

Hoping you'll wake

Just kiss me

Please wake

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Mmm, this is lovely. The language is longing and eloquent, and the request seems quite reasonable to me...*smile*

My spidey senses were tingling as i read this, and my editor's fingers wanting to correct some typing/grammar errors, but overall this was, as I already noted, a lovely piece of writing.



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