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The Donkey by Frederic

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I will start off by saying I have known about this author's work for several years when he was posting elsewhere. One of my favorites for quite a while has been Fifteen, a long story with much to offer the reader and fortunately that is included on his home page.

Frederic will insist that there are many of his own life experiences in his work, but he manages to plot a story line that often takes the reader far beyond the realm of average life. In The Donkey we are shown a normal character story situation that seems to stretch out towards conflict before we are given the justification for this author's words.

Words are what Frederic does best, and in this story we get two languages. It isn't necessary to understand Spanish because the words are surrounded with clues to the meaning. I like a story that makes me think, and this certainly does just that.

It's been a while since I read a story with such sexually graphic description, but by the time we get there in the plot it is all but expected. I suppose that Frederic brought in some of that from his days of posting at Nifty, but many of us have been there. Perhaps now he will feel more comfortable with focusing on character development and the twists and turns of a plot, most of us changed in that direction as well. I am just glad to see him here.

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