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Taking my shirt off


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Hi all,

Here's something I want to share. As a child/teenager, I used to have this outlandish fear of being forced to take my shirt off. Nobody saw me shirtless back then, at school I was well-known for it. Does anyone else on here have similar experiences and/or feel that they could relate? Some insights into this would be much appreciated. Many thanks. 



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41 minutes ago, TalonRider said:

I have a brother who wouldn't wear shorts in the summer time. It wasn't until he reached adulthood that he started wearing them.

Interesting perspective. For me, getting over that childhood fear involved more than a few changes of environment, with a new set of people around me.

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I am on the other end of the spectrum, I have a problem keeping my clothes on. I no longer have the body of my youth, I'm bald as a bunglers egg, and yet I'll drop my pants in a bar if someone asks me too. 

Though full disclosure, that doesn't happen as often as it once did. 

But my husband, who has a fantastic body, wears tank-tops in the pool with long baggy shorts. For him, it isn't as much as body shame as its baggage left over from his Indian parents and their religious beliefs. 

Do you wish to share where the fear developed? Was it cultural, religious, or body shame that made you fearful of showing your body? 

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